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18:47:30 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
please only Mara mail me to talk I don’t like the chat 🤷🏼‍♀️.
My Goal is to eventually have one of each limited edition and restricted pets all wearing a different costume 😊
I am female
I am an adult
I am an Australian

If you offer on a trade or msg me and I don’t get back to you just nudge me as I can be forgetful sometimes and I never mean to not get back to you.

I do not want to trade my pets...thankyou anyway

I am happy to loan my pets for goals and missions just send a message.
I am happy to trade Photos of my pets for photos I am missing

NOTE TO STAFF: my daughter sparklyeyes and husband PhantomMike is on mara and use this connection when they play.
Lady_Di the Thunder Pucu
5 years, 10 months & 1 day OldBorn 22nd Apr 2019 04:16

5 Months 1 Day Old
7 Months 11 Days Old
3 Months 23 Days Old
3 Months 26 Days Old
5 Months 15 Days Old
3 Months 26 Days Old
Level 8 Chef earning 460MP a day

Rune Amulet
Bough Bow
Princess Dagger
Griffin Claw
Staff of Eleka