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Lush Lake
Welcome to the world famous Lush Lake Olympics, an event that happens on the 15th day of every month, all year round. There are 30 different categories for all of your pets to enter in and compete against all other pets in Marada.

To take part in the next Olympic Games, your pets must compete in practice Competitions. The more your pets train and the more competitions they win, the more levels they will gain in each event. The higher your level, the more chance you have to win at the next Olympics!

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These are the amounts of Olympic Points each pet can win for each group
Untrained Beginner Intermediate Expert Ultimate Olympian
 1st 1 Pt 2 Pts 5 Pts 10 Pts 20 Pts 21 Pts
 2nd 0 Pts 1 Pt 3 Pts 5 Pts 10 Pts 11 Pts
 3rd 0 Pts 1 Pt 2 Pts 3 Pts 5 Pts 6 Pts
 4th 0 Pts 0 Pts 1 Pt 2 Pts 3 Pts 4 Pts
 5th 0 Pts 0 Pts 1 Pt 1 Pt 2 Pts 3 Pts
For your pet to enter the Olympian group they must first win  1st place in an Ultimate group
Each  1st place win in the Olympian group increases stats required as Olympian by 1

If you add the Multiple Pet Olympics Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to enter all of your pets to the Olympics at once, with just one click of a button!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect