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Marapets is mobile friendly
please only Mara mail me to talk I don’t like the chat 🤷🏼‍♀️.
My Goal is to eventually have one of each limited edition and restricted pets all wearing a different costume 😊
I am female
I am an adult
I am an Australian

If you offer on a trade or msg me and I don’t get back to you just nudge me as I can be forgetful sometimes and I never mean to not get back to you.

I do not want to trade my pets...thankyou anyway

I am happy to loan my pets for goals and missions just send a message.
I am happy to trade Photos of my pets for photos I am missing

NOTE TO STAFF: my daughter sparklyeyes and husband PhantomMike is on mara and use this connection when they play.
  1. My Mara story (short version)
    30th Sep 2018 16:46
    6 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  2. thankyou
    22nd Dec 2007 15:01
    17 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  3. pearl Avatar
    6th Sep 2007 08:58
    17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
  4. where my pets got their names
    5th Sep 2007 20:09
    17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
  5. complainers
    20th Aug 2007 00:46
    17 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
  6. my mara journey and my pets stories
    27th Jun 2007 10:12
    17 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
My Mara story (short version)
6 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
30th Sep 2018 16:46

I will start with how I found Mara pets. I was a moderator on a Christian website and a friend had joined Mara and wanted friends to play. I decided to give it a go. That was August 2006. At the time my marriage was falling apart and I had depression ( it wasn’t diagnosed and treated for at least 3 years) so distractions like Mara were good. I enjoyed Mara, I was also a big fan of Stephen Lawhead the Author. So needless to say I started naming my pets after his books and Characters 😊

My divorce finally happened in 2009 after a year and a bit of separation. I met my new husband just before the divorce was official and married in late 2010. I kinda let Mara slip away after this as there were too many real life things going on with a new relationship and his divorce and our marriage etc. I popped in now and again when I got sent vault codes but really didn’t play. Then about a year ago when the valentine event was on I started playing a bit and was coming on more often. However the Easter event 2018 caused me to pop back in more often and then the safari event had me coming everyday. I am now here everyday unless on holidays or something lol.

I have continued to name my pets after Stephen Lawhead books and Characters and have used a few of my old costumes and plushies to make new pets.

I am happy to loan my pets if you need to borrow for goals or missions and if I have more than 1 item in my gallery I will probably sell the spare for a reasonable price or items I don’t have.
Anyway that’s my Mara story 😊. Happy to be back and enjoying the new challenges.

17 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
22nd Dec 2007 15:01

thank you to all the wonderful and helpful players on mara that have helped/are helping me get through tough times. to those that have helped with avatars and fates or just anything happy.gif you are all very special and wonderful people. I am not going to list names cause I may accidentally miss someone and feel bad then.
thankyou to my wonderful club for being a bunch of terrific people you rock!!! happy.gif
thankyou to the adult forum members that have helped out in diffrent ways you guys are awesome.

thankyou, thankyou, thankyou happy.gif

pearl Avatar
17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
6th Sep 2007 08:58

ok for those wanting the pearl avatar here is the list of pearls you need to get it... dont have any more than whats needed or any less LOL took me an hour to work out which ones to have in the inventory LOL...

Pearl with a hat
recycled pearl
tomatoe pearl
digital pearl
Fairy pearl
Happy Pearl
inside out pearl
Chibs pearl
princess pearl
robot pearl
devil pearl
seasonal pearl
Halloween pearl
funky pearl
musical pearl
Ghost pearl
starry pearl
Rainbow pearl
heart pearl
spotty pearl
flowery pearl
cream pearl
moss green pearl
wooden pearl
snowy pearl
Gold pearl
fuschia pearl
mint chocolate pearl
white pearl
cyan pearl
yellow pearl
burgundy pearl
lilac pearl
dark blue pearl
mouldy pearl
ice pearl
silver pearl
light blue pearl
grey pearl
dark green pearl
pink pearl
green pearl
brown pearl
bronze pearl
red pearl
lavendar pearl

where my pets got their names
17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
5th Sep 2007 20:09

in case anyone is interested all my pets except timius who is named after my good friend tim are from Stephen lawhead books happy.gif

Albion... is a place in the song of albion series

Celtic_Knot...was because it was used to decorate Christian tombs and Stephen Lawhead incorporates them into his books

Banfaith... is like a prophetess in the song of albion series

Byzantium... is a book he wrote

empyrion... is a book by stephen lawhead happy.gif

Goewyn... was the name of the banfaith in the song of albion series

The Mystic rose... is another of stephen lawheads books from the celtic crusades series

Tegid... is one of the main characters in song of albion

Shadow lamp...another book

LadyEsme a character in dragon king trilogy

Endless knot... is from the book the endless knot in the song of albion series.

Timius.... named after my good friend Tim, who was my lifeline during depression

Ynys Sci.. is an island in the song of albion series happy.gif

Lady alinea ....also dragon king trilogy

Dream thief ....One of 3 space books he wrote

BrightEmpires .... is a recent book series

Tuck2017...named after a friend I had but lost contact with he went by the name tuckeverlasting on line

SpiritWell... another Lawhead book

TheSilverhand another lawhead book

SummerStars... a Lawhead book

Paradise war....was a book in the dragon king trilogy

FatalTree.... another Lawhead book

Lawhead... obviously is the authors last name

Brown ears... is an early children’s book

EndlessKnot....a book in the song of Albion series

DaBozz... needed a mafia pet for goals and to use a mafia costume thought the Basil’s and Gizmos looked best of the pets that can wear it couldn’t seem to do a trade for a basil and managed to get the gizmo. None of the Lawhead themed names fitted so tried the boss but any names like that were gone so went a little creative

Iron lance...a book from the Celtic crusades series

Dragon from the dragon king series

N3twork.... I was originally going to give away so didn’t name after a lawhead name but instead was going to make into a digital pet

SkinMap... is another Lawhead book

DrCosimo .... was a Character in the bright empires series

CityofDreams.... is a book written with Stephens son Ross

so there you go any pets I want to keep are named after Stephen lawheads books happy.gif except timius who I am never giving away either :-P

17 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
20th Aug 2007 00:46

you know what I hear lots of complaints sure some are legit like the fact that only a few people have been able to get stamps and are saving them all till they retire so they can make a huge profit... its not very fair to most other players that it was done that way or that some peoples greed doesnt allow them to be fair to others.
but then there are the ones who dis Ian or the mods or the site... I mean seriously this is a game Ian needs money to keep the site buy servers to buy advertising to employ people to make games etc etc etc.... if he tells you account upgrades are disappearing in a week and leaves it for two weeks so what couldn't he just have been busy or something? if he tells us that there is a new upgrade coming in a few days and it takes two weeks SO WHAT? I mean seriously...if you can do better why don't you jolly well start your own site and lets see how you do...quite frankly I think 3 years to be running and still improving stuff is a great effort...take a look around and see how many people get this far folks...there are forums folding everyday because they cant keep up with demands on time or cash.
so before you get your knickers in a knot or whine because somethings not retired a week after it was said it would or the colour of the new blood isnt what you wanted or whatever think how much time and effort Ian takes to try and make this site pleasant for you all.
thanks Ian and staff for all you do here

  1. My Mara story (short version)
    30th Sep 2018 16:46
    6 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
  2. thankyou
    22nd Dec 2007 15:01
    17 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
  3. pearl Avatar
    6th Sep 2007 08:58
    17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
  4. where my pets got their names
    5th Sep 2007 20:09
    17 years, 5 months & 17 days ago
  5. complainers
    20th Aug 2007 00:46
    17 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
  6. my mara journey and my pets stories
    27th Jun 2007 10:12
    17 years, 7 months & 26 days ago