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336 Players Online
00:40:45 MST
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These are the 336 Players that are currently online and playing right now. The most players online yesterday was 651 and most so far today is 340. There have been 4,624 Players online in the past 24 hours. Did you know that the Queen Eleka loyalty rewards you for each unique day you play?
336 Players Online
Ian Nicky 75 Firinx, Jami, Shizuhu, TazLuvr, mummyfi, SoulCorruptor, Tarzana, Bean, Sarsaparilla, Behappy, cheerfulbaby, nicecat2, Root, MrsRena, Twi, ThorGodofThunder, Ratsrule6, Furship, Cappygirl, AuroraCopernicus, spez, Denny1, stilla, Azaura, tommyg01, Mccandles, Thund3r, buck2772, Catsielle, Debra, Esurient, indale, Bakura, Luckie, Colmillos, Anasazi, princessnot, magenta2977, Stephan, mythenmetz, Spice, annatheace, Wriothesley, wintergreen555, Loh, msmarmalade, Hati, TheMIL, xenious, koborikun, Opossum, Uncomfy, dull, _Dee_, Kuork, Joanna, Visage, fluffynkacy, Hatshepsut, Violotta, Joshley15, Jazziness, Vil, Kyreecie, EatFarts, Beth, Lilsabeth, nickie415, cup944, Anthy, Lockheed, AmberJo, Asgard, Wednesday
72 ducksoup, furryshakes, Zomvie, Brenddog, frieda40, Pikachu
71 colleenmurphydevlin
69 skycruiser1, Yunae, grandmaof9, azmegan, Alana_B, Gabriel, Millie, Sammie, RainbowDreamz, filly6, MsMKO, Rightmeow
68 Toshiyori63, AprilDecember
67 AthenaLove, G0Dz, Bummer
66 Yunicorn
62 tenshijanai05, meowria, Roosknop
61 Lanming
60 mightywatermelon, Daze, LauraLana
59 angelication, reikotsu, Poker, Eudora
57 Malchelle, AzureIce, bentley77, henbane, Kashh, vampyre5131989, Wishfully, IJNYamashiro, Dannie, Ather
56 Smurfy, hreidmar, mary148
55 GreenDayLover012392, tongting, Astralis, kristellemon, Raphael_in_Red, Medieval, heather, deerleonardo, JessisJoking, Claddagh, Mutilated, spage_143, Binary, RissaPumpkin, Zolas
54 Stockmon, James99145, wylie96797, udontsmil, crystal_flower
53 chay2k8, Gogh, Astaroth, kilat
52 likeTurbo
51 Krazyman
50 TheSayTin
49 emz1991
48 mattfox, 7th
46 cagedmike, Stevonnie
44 Teng, Luna5c, TitanicHeart
43 emilypop123, grand19, kirsteyjane, Sanguineous, sarasu, Plzkthxbaiii
41 1shotimdrop, alicegoodman000, seiksoon, Chord, jayde43, PirateMary, Paisles, cutiepie12345678977, Kallisilya, abiets, Inspirit94
40 monkeymuffin
37 noperopenoodlepope
36 gothmike, Mossie55, Syloqui, Amaterasu5, Rkane911, Basic, Koah, TheCrazyCats, Kimbo, BabeBritney, Sparrowmisty, lf3105, KageKitsune14, chubbybunny333, starling34, LianaReed, candywifee, HearthsEve, Rontifu
35 polopolo299
34 Beige, koriandr, Lexni, shiying2000, merrywind, Valorua
33 Connoa, katzerella, ttwilightt, Ames
32 lilblu2, Octopus, Shaele
31 ktp
30 butterfly09, Justin
29 money123444, Shoegaze
28 Pisces, DrowningInDespair, Mental1018, HoneyPepeer, RVT, doomed01, lorraineparkx
27 lulu299012, Modesty, Elsalina123
26 Corallium, funky_monkey
25 tingleyone01
24 thecagedsong, Jennah
23 Caroli, Creril, ViviPooh, TeyTeaBear
22 tamadude123party, promara2015, bellalovezzzyou, Salvadore, Sandarahi
21 Chanilee, infinityluna, Croc, flashy48, shushulina, n0tS, Hyaeth, Pandakoko22
20 Max120, lhdc, SplatterColor
18 windmouse, Growl, ldyinkr, loradream, zsadist12, blueberryfruit, zyrese
17 meepeoki, Ladyanki, Gantykun, Bohemian, dkcat, Prefectively
16 Shipper_Of_Heart, Moquerie, Nikki1416, katrina11117, Sulvas, emisa, Naufragate, azzacar, Farindale, Jewelz, BarkingChaos
15 AiruTheSwift, Cath34, Russell, cheekychick2, IscNwtn, simpleplanbouvier, 1andonlyspacecat, Darko, glittercornz, Worm, Manyuta, tenytinypancake, teslastorm, Dysania, TeaCakeTiger, SavageDamsel, BonnieChan, popee, Pandalerium, NevermoreSteed, Bigdog2468, Keiiro, cpvr, Pupper, ilovdolphins, Katrina1973, Rowf, Northerner, Lorrania, FattyMarshy, seichan65, jpshelby
14 sallyo0o0o
13 RIPYEARS, Miss2023, solidselkie
12 lulzy
11 Ellyssindrea, Vxxn
9 Waanyarra, zimmygirl
5 Ryuthan, HD420
4 h8ter1, Xpumpkinzx
2 Phloosie, thimblecity, Tikal_The_Echidna
1 lucianalucianinha
0 LadyLexa1, JoeyWheeler, 1347586134, atina28, anely, tyvin, marjoriedumamag, plair07, noobmaster1234009, ellawolf89
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