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23:06:56 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Hello ✿
Thank you so much to everyone that has helped me with my collections by
fulfilling my Wanted Ads and doing trade swaps ♡

Always looking to trade for items I, or Amysti, am missing.
If you see anything in my shop/trades you want to swap for, feel free to just offer, or MM me! ^-^

(Click for note to staff) Note to staff: I play on my computer, phone or tablet.
My sister has an account and when we visit each other we will occasionally play.

You joined Marapets on May 5, 2006, 8:06 pm.
Player for 18 years, 10 months & 21 daysJoined 5th May 2006 13:06
Pet Goals:
♡~Weather Meadow Pets~♡
Kelita: Rainy Snookle or Deca
Pollinating: Bee Echlin
Yolki: Minipet Willa
Zariela: Transformations Pet ^-^
Player for 18 years, 10 months & 21 days Joined 5th May 2006 13:06

Gardenia has collected 36 of 101 Giftboxes

Capsule Machine
Clothing Rack
Dark Fairy
Dukka Balance
Extra Pet (4)
Fruit Machine
Jelly Castle
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Monthly Checklist
Multiple Pet Olympics
Murfin Madness
Nutty Tree
Open Graves
Operations Portal
Pet Stats
Phantom Four
Pixie Dice
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Shop Pricer
Trash Heap
Vortex Park Reservoir
Wardrobe Selfie