Travis and his wife Talisha live in a green truck with their 42 kids. They have both been temporarily unemployed since they left school forty years ago. They struggle to provide for their family. Their kids, Cindy Sue, Tyler, Harley, Cindy Lou, Lisa Marie, Kyra, Cecil, Malakai, Shelbie, Mildred, Bonnie, Billie Jo, Cooter, Cletus, Bailey, Destiny, Britney, Beyonce, Mackenzie, Kyle, Danielle, Johnny Ray, Caleb, Mary Jean, Preston, Hope, Kai, Cherry Ice, Mary Sue, Edna Jo, Logan, Asda, Bobbi Sue, Otis, Lorna, Macauley, Freddy Bob, Mary Lou, Brooklyn, Sunshine, Magnolia and Wayne are hungry and will eat literally anything. Travis will reward you for bringing anything that can be eaten to him to feed his ever-growing family.
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