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12:37:32 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Please check info if you're about to mm me for something I'm an adult player.
If you want to mm or mt me about

To Chat- Go ahead! :)

Trading Pets- I'm usually only interested in stats, please keep that in mind before asking.

Prices in my shop- I'm really only willing to trade if the item is 250k+ or 100k+ for new members. If the item qualifies then I'm only interested in gourmets, wardrobe items or photos that I'm missing. I'll consider reducing a price if it falls in that same range unless it's a retired collectible.

Things in my gallery- Like my gallery says everything is for trade or sale but please be fair in your suggestions. If you need to know just mm me to ask the price and I'll happily tell you if I know. I'm mainly interested in trading for gourmets or wardrobe items but the photos in my gallery I'll trade for other photos or a reduced price.

Voting- I guess I'll vote for you if you ask.

Clubs- I'm not too interested in joining clubs and don't do too well in being active in them so please don't ask.

Pet Lending- If you need to borrow one of my pets for either a goal, mission or avvie then go ahead and ask! :)
Player for 17 years, 9 months & 6 daysJoined 11th Jun 2007 13:22
Player for 17 years, 9 months & 6 days Joined 11th Jun 2007 13:22

Scylla6 has collected 29 of 101 Giftboxes

Capsule Machine
Clothing Rack
Double Crystals
Double Diamonds
Enchanted Plushie Machine
Extra Pet (8)
Missing Food
Missing Learnable
Missing Photo
Missing Plate
Missing Wardrobe
Monthly Checklist
Multiple Pet Olympics
Pet Stats
Poison Pit
Price Order
Shop Pricer
Vortex Park Reservoir
Wardrobe Selfie
Wonky Pyramid
Worm Digging