Goals Progress
7 years, 2 months & 15 days ago

26th Dec 2017 11:53
Level 33
1. Complete Level 21 or higher of Puchalla Village Goals
Level 34
2. Win a battle with a Wild Minipet
Level 35
2. Curse a Pet
Level 36
1. Complete Level 22 or higher of Simeria Goals
2. Catch a Bug Minipet
Level 37
1. Complete Level 23 or higher of Elekas Castle Goals
2. Win a prize on a Scratchcard
Level 38
2. Create an Undying Minipet
Level 39
2. Free or Bribe a Pet out of Prison
Level 40
2. Fix a Broken Home (Attic)
Level 41
2. Grow an Organic Minipet
Level 42
1. Complete Level 25 or higher of Nimbus Goals
2. Have the Genie grant your wish
Level 43
1. Complete Level 25 or higher of Jenoa Goals
2. Enter the Monthly Checklist
Level 44
1. Complete Level 26 or higher of City of Marada Goals
2. Send a pet to the Gates of the Graveyard
Level 45
2. Win a Wild Minipet in the Battle Arena
Level 46
2. Pay an Electricity Bill
Level 47
2. Restock from a main shop an item that has a Retirement Date
Level 48
2. Use the Capsule Machine
Level 49
2. Complete a level of the Beanstalk