My 3 daughters also play Mara... donnakap, RachelUzumaki and rebeccazp. We do use the same computer. I do sometimes play from my phone.
[br][br] LOGINS: I do travel some. I live in North Carolina. My daughter RachelUzumaki is going to school in Greensboro now and is home some weekends and holidays.
**Booteeful: My very first pet, primary pet
**Aguinaldo: Christmastree Rofling
Aguinaldo has changed into a yellow rofling!
Aguinaldo is now wearing Christmas Tree Costume 4.5k
**Baeleigh: Baby Straya
Baeleigh has changed into Brown Straya
Baeleigh is now wearing Baby Costume
**Egyptologist: Desert Nino
Egyptologist has changed into Brown Nino
Egyptologist is now wearing Desert Costume
**Firefighter: Fire Snookle
Pinball: Arcade Rofling
Congratulations! You found the 'Transmogrification' Hidden Avatar
Mork changed to a yellow Rofling!
Mork is now wearing Arcade Costume
**Rescued: Recycled Sindi
Rescued has changed into Lilac Sindi
Rescued is now wearing Recycled Costume
Roger: Old Raulf