Now collecting Arm Plaster Casts...
7 years, 2 months & 30 days ago
28th Aug 2017 12:56 43 yrs and I never broke a bone. Well, I managed to break my left arm in 4 places, all from a fall out the car. It was more like I was helping push a car and slipped on some mud and landed on it. But to hear my girls tell it, I fell out the car.
I hate this cast and I keep taking it off and it drives my girls crazy when I do. So my oldest Donna has decided to send them to me as a joke cause I hate them so much! So I figured, why not just collect them at this point since my girls keep sending them.
Contributors to the collection...
Donna: 33
Racheluzumaki: 6
Rebeccazp: 2
Me: 92
La: 1
Blitzen: 11
Broke Arm Cast: 10
Plaster: 12