Plans for my pets, Costumes/etc
1 year, 1 month & 22 days ago

3rd Feb 2024 12:10
Now that I can earn Runes for myself (Thanks so much everyone that helped me get the Simerian Explorer map!) I finally decided to make one of these pet blog things to help keep track of my progress costuming pets. ^^
Costume Plans 🌈 🎨
I am trying to stat my pets to 300 gym and 250 elite stats minimum before I costume them but this goal is definitely hard as I am very inpatient to have some nice costumed pets on my account. hopefully I will seceded on this one

(pets that I get from pet trades that are already perfect will not have these kind of stats)
🔹 Ghirahlm- everything!!! lol

he is my transformation pet!
[✔] Iink- Splatter quell
[ ] Zeldq- Daylight Lorius
[✔] Ennvy- Gothic Raulf
[ ] FMA- Steampunk Troit
[ ] Wall-
[ ] Toshinori- Minipet Nino or Lightning Rofling
[ ] Imprisoned- Nightmare Decadal (now how did I manage to get a Deca before a Zola?

[ ] GoddessHylia- Daylight Zola, Daylight Decadal or Fairy Zola
[ ]
[ ] Rallen- Prize Zola or Space Fairy Zola
[ ] KH- undecided :/
[ ] Waca- Valentine Straya
[ ] - Anime Raulf
[ ] Nechku- Fancy Walee or Moonlight Walee
[✔] HappyMaskSalesman- Halloween Ideus
[ ] CaptainKeeta- Anime Bolimo, I know this does not fit this character, but his name reminds me of that Akita dog breed for some reason. Oh I found another idea for Keeta a Tundra Rofling would work as well ^^
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[✔] Moondial- Moonlight Quell
[ ] - Daylight Quell
[✔] Umbreons- Desert Chibs
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[✔] Masterly- Candy Raulf
[ ] Chocohim- Chocolate Raulf
[✔] DemonLordGhirahim- Gothic Chibs
[ ] Ghira- Dragon Chibs
[ ] ShadowLink- Dragon Quell
[ ] Vaatii- Wizard Murfin or Breeze Vlad
[✔] Hateno- Breeze Nino or Rainy Snookle
[✔] Kohga- Villain Rusty
[ ] Mipha- Cotton Candy Zola or Candy Decadal
[ ] Dorephan- Royal Ercuw
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[ ]
[ ] VahRudania- Minipet Gizmo
[ ] VahMedoh- Firework Pucu
[ ] Colgera- Winter Basil
[✔] Molduga- Dragon Zoosh
[ ] Bokoblins- Gothic Oglue
[ ] Spykez- Splatter Zola
[ ] Murch- Splatter Dakota
[ ] SuperSeaSnail- Splatter Troit
[ ] Sakue- Splatter Limax
[✔] Swordplay- Light Quell
[ ] Windsail- Fairy Daisy or Nimbus Raulf
[ ] Snowquill- Tundra Zola, Ice Cream Zola or Winter Decadal
[ ] Fuerpo- Tundra or Polar Limax (needs a name change)
[ ] CalamityGanon- Vampire Daisy
[ ] 07- Steampunk, Native or Robot Poera
[ ] 06 - Robot Limax
[ ] Harpuia- Super Hero Speiro
[ ] Smolt- Minipet Zola or Armored Limax
[ ] Lokl- ?
[ ] Fairae- Fairy Willa
[✔] Bunnys- Valentine Sindi
[ ] Ruing- Rainy Hump
[ ] Humpf- Desert Hump
[ ] Ends- Killer Zola
[ ] Overlooked- Space Fairy Lorius
[ ] Bestill- Bee Willa
[ ] Truf- Ice Cream Limax
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