Now How Did This Happen!?
I never released just how many Limaxs I would like to own until putting this together!
Nope! Of course I'm not going to be a Limax horder (or am I?) heh... lol
(I now question if I should put a blog with my Quell wants up at all, as it would probably be almost all of the colors existent )
~The Hoard~
Well I guess here are my pet's that are ether already Limax's or I'm planning to make them one after stat training
Sakue- Splatter
KH- Nimbus (name swap needed)
Truf- Ice Cream
Chocohim- Chocolate
Smolt- Armored
Pearineum- undecided (will rename eventually once I decide on his color. I will admit I kind of like his puny name)