Useful Mara information
11 years, 10 months & 17 days ago

23rd Apr 2013 18:18
How to use Drew vouchers when the transformation doesn't show example if you know the pet has a transformation but it's hidden <-- the number is the Pet ID
How to add photos to posts and signatures
Insert the full photo link inside this [IMG]url[/IMG]. The full link includes .jpg, .gif, etc at the end
Signatures can be no more than 750 px wide and 350 px tall. If you need to resize them, they can be resized at the hosting site. The one I use is Here's how it works (free, no need to make an account). UPLOAD your photo. Then you'll see a small square image on the screen. Click that to resize, you can choose the exact dimensions, then Submit. Click UPLOAD. Click "BB Code Full linked" and copy. When you paste that into Marapets, removed the extra [url] links outside the [img] ones. You only need the [img]link[/img] part.
Always check the "Items this quest can ask for BEFORE starting a mission. Read this News article for more information.
How to fix your Marahome
Have the tool in your inventory and click on it to use it. You can also pay the Carpenter to fix your home, but it's more expensive.
Spanner- fix the plumbing of your flooded home.
Screwdriver- tighten screws on your doors.
Hammer- fix any frames that have fallen down.
Pliers- tighten the pipes in your home.
Saw- cut up any trees that fall on your home.
Tape Measure- measure the size of your room.
Rake- tidy all of the leaves from around your home.
Plunger- clear blocked toilets.
Ladder- get the minipets down from (the roof of) your tree.
Axe- remove overgrown trees.
Sledge Hammer - fix your broken sidewalk.
Trowel- fix broken walls.
Shovel- dig up and move bushes.
What Costumes are Needed by Goal
Your pet is sick:
The hospital is usually cheaper than buying a medicine.
Box of Tissues- cures a
Tiny Bottled Cloud- cures the
Light Fairy Blessing- cures your pet of a
Dark Fairy curse
Joyful Cheesecake- cures your pet's
Toothbrush- cures your pet's
Pills- heals
Citrus Mug- clears your pet's
sore throat
Plaster- cures
Greedy Fairy Acne Cream- cures
Anime Chibs Pillow- cures
1001 Art Ideas- cures your pet's art block
Breath Mint- cures
bad breath
Arm Plaster Cast- for a
broken arm
Leg Plaster Cast- for a
broken leg
Undying Fairy Stress Doll- cures
Love Injection- cures
Herbal Spring Shampoo- cures
Anonomous Love letter- cures
Flea soap- gets rid of
Chicken Soup- cures the
Gas be gone- for
bad gas
Super Absorbent Sand- for pet's who've
had an 'accident'
Fire Fairy Lotion- cures the
Ice Fairy chills
Colorful Paint Brush- cures
Bottle of Sweet Dreams- cures
Soothing Osafo Cream- cures
Garlic Necklace- to
stop your pet from becoming a vampire?
Eye drops- to cure
pink eye
Aloe Vera Leaf- cures
Troll Away Spray- cures
TrollitisIf you've deleted your alert to get a pet back, look up the pet's ID # and enter it here: then pet ID
To see what's been picked up in the POG recently
Info on Score Points
- Bingo will only reward you once per game, no matter how many tickets you purchase.
- Scratchcard games will only reward you each time you buy a Scratchcard and not when you scratch it.
- Keno will only pay Score Points if you match 8 or numbers and will not count towards your 'Games Played' total.
- Lottery will pay Score Points for every ticket you purchase but will not count towards your 'Games Played' total.
- Stock Market will reward you every time you buy new Shares.
- Raffle will pay Score Points for every ticket you purchase but will not count towards your 'Games Played' total.
- Snap will reward you every time you win.
- Plushie Machines will reward you every time you pick up a Plushie or Enchanted Plushie.
Games that give Missions Skips
Pearl Hurl = Clam
Mother Mordo = Priscilla
Mineral Match = Beast in the woods
Defend the Castle = Troll
Wacky Workshop = Ublish
Sushi Slice = Hospice
Fairy Flight - Score 170-180
Gizmo Gravity - Score 3,000-4,000
Gummy Bricks - Score 3,000-3,250
Monty's Great Escape - Score 750+
Quack Mafia - Score 5,000-5,100
Fairy Flight - Score 110-120
Gummy Bricks - Score 2,250-2,500
Monty's Great Escape - Score 275-300
Quack Mafia - Score 4,000-4,100
Toy Blocks - Score 150-200
Wallop! - Score 3,000-3,500
Fairy Flight - Score 150-160
Monty's Great Escape - Score 600-750
Quack Mafia - Score 4,600-4,700
Phantom Four - Win
Fairy Flight - Score 130-140
Monty's Great Escape - Score 325-350
Quack Mafia - Score 4,300-4,400
Toy Blocks - Score 300-400
Phantom Four - Win/Draw/Lose
Traps - Random
Gym Stats
Fairy Flight - Score 190-200
Gizmo Gravity - Score 2,000-2,250
Monty's Great Escape - Score 450-475
Quack Mafia - Score 5,300-5,400
Wallop! - Score 8,000-8,500
Olympic Stats
Fairy Flight - Score 200-210
Gizmo Gravity - Score 2,500-2,750
Monty's Great Escape - Score 500-525
Quack Mafia - Score 5,500+
Wallop! - Score 6,000-6,500
School Stats
Echo - Score 5+
Colours - Win
Wardrobe previews:
Battle information and guides:
General Helo
Updating the links ...
How to win DNA and Blood
Blue Blood = Anagram Sam (every 30 minutes)
Pink Blood = Rapunzel shop for 200K BP
Blue DNA = Rummy
Green DNA = Fruit Machine
Pink DNA = Rapunzel shop for 100K BP
Red DNA = weekly lottery
Yellow DNA = only for 4 AU at Account Upgrades
White DNA = Extract Enpiah
Brown DNA = Millionaire's Lodge for 5 million MP
Black DNA = Recyling center for 350 cans.
Grey DNA = Pirate Ship 750 Dukkas
Orange DNA = Pirate ship 500 Dukkas
Wordsearch, [19 of 20 correct]
Pet Lending
dead link
Recipes Some items have changed names
American Hotdog: American Murfin Photo + Plain Hotdog + 7 Seconds
Angelic Pear Guardian Book
Angel Book + Pear +10 Seconds
Bacon Book Bound Purple Book + Bacon Cheeseburger + 25 Seconds
Bamboo Flute Bamboo Shoot + Flute + 44 Seconds
Bleach Smoothie Bleach + Vanilla Ice Cream + 59 Seconds
Brie Mine Candy Heart Be Mine Candy Heart + Brie + 36 Seconds
Chocolate Almond Tentacle Ushunda Tentacle + Chocolate Almond Cone + 4 Seconds
Cool Beans Stamp Cooling Fan + Red Bean + 24 Seconds
Drumsticks Drum + Knutt Stick + 51 Seconds
Eau De Roche Bag of Space Rocks + Emotional Support Rock + 35 seconds
Eau de stick Basic Stick + Grey Stick + 37 seconds
Eye Egg Can of Fish Eyes + Breakfast Glowing Egg +26 Seconds
Fatty Balloon Fatty + Yellow Balloon + 34 Seconds
Flesh Flower White Daisy + Sirloin Steak + 41 Seconds
Foot Fruit Severed Foot + Fruity Flakes + 40 Seconds
Galaxy Bar Neon Purple Face Makeup Dye + Milk Chocolate Addow Tablet + 1 second
Juicy Peach Boot Furry Boots + Giant Peach + 38 Seconds
Meat Pencil Sliced Roast Beef Doyle Pencil 20 Seconds
Merant Ant + Jar of Mermaid Tail + 9 Seconds
Mystery Meat Blooble + Ground Meat + 13 Seconds
Orlando Bloom American Glowing Egg + Rose Tattoo + 29 Seconds
Pear Ukulele Pear + Ukulele + 19 Seconds
Pizza Bagel Half a Pepperoni Pizza + Salty Bagel + 54 Seconds
Polka Dot Meat Spotted Pot + Joint of Ham + 57 Seconds
Polka Dot Scarf Hoodie Scarf Polka Dot Babydoll 55 Seconds
Radioactive Fish Fake Radioactive Costume Fish in Foil 19 Seconds
Skyscraper Burger Skyscraper Stamp
Triple Cheeseburger 40 Seconds
Skyscraper Burger: Skyscraper Stamp + Triple Cheeseburger + 40 seconds
Snowman Meringue: Burnt Snowball + Chocolate Snowman + 48 seconds
Strawberry Snowman Meringue: Lati Ice Sculpture + Melted Rose Snowman Candle + 42 Seconds
Super Stacker Burger: Superhero Poop + Steak Egg Burger + 9 seconds
Tower Burger: Double Cheeseburger + World Famous Skyscrapers + 53 Seconds
Triangle Swiss Roll: Triangle + Brown Rolls + 8 seconds
Soap Flavoured Gummy Blue Soap Magical Gummy Stars 51 Seconds
Spade Shirt Bonus Clothing 120 + Stop Trying Candy Spade + 27 seconds
Spaghetti Ice Cream Spaghetti Bolognese Spaghetti al Pomodoro + Vanilla Ice Cream Cone + 3 Seconds
Striped Arm Warmers Arm Plaster Cast Meal Glow Worm 48 Seconds
Stone Apple Stone Cupcake Giant Green Apple 53 Seconds
Tower Burger Double Cheeseburger
World Famous Skyscrapers 53 Seconds
Wooden Carrot Wooden Glowing Egg Carrot 30 Seconds
Yunicorn Doughnut Fresh Glazed Strawberry Doughnut Yuni Horn 60 Seconds
List of all the new stamps from quests and missions.
[] Aquarium Stamp
[x] Borak Stamp
[] Carpenter Stamp
[] Clam Stamp
[] Computer Repair Stamp
[] Cosmonaut Stamp
[] Drew Stamp x2
[] Eleka Prison Stamp
[] Farming Stamp
[] Fugunzel Stamp
[] Garage Stamp
[] Greedy Gertrude Stamp
[] Hector Stamp
[] Hospice Stamp
[] Hump Racing Stamp
[] Kamilah Traveller Stamp
[] Knutt House Stamp
[] Penitentiary Stamp
[] Personal Trainer Stamp
[] Pirate Mafia Stamp
[] Priscilla Stamp
[] Puchalla Inn Stamp
[] Queen Bee Stamp
[] Robot Repair Stamp
[] Sewer Cleaner Stamp
[] Sewer Monster Stamp
[] Shusan Stamp
[] Simerian Excavator Stamp
[] Simerian Explorer Stamp
[] Travis Truck Stamp
[] Troll Stamp
[] Ublish Stamp
(this is a work in progress & not up to date)
- continue to refine matches
- highlight eggs I have
Match colors to hex codes
Glowing Egg Guide
Acid Yellow - e3ef7f ___
Amethyst - 8250d7 (Pixel)
Antique Gold - e1ac2a (Corrupted Brown)
Apatite - 4bcff5 (Haunted Moon)
Apple Green - 05c925 ___ 33CC00 / 33CC33
Aquamarine - 00f4c3 ____ 00FFCC
Ash - 8f7d79 (Bat) or 908078 (Card Raider)
Banana - f9dcb4 ____ FFECD5
Black - 000000 (Default)
Blonde - c9ab05 ____ CC9933
Blood - 710c04 (Blood)
Blood Orange - ff2409 ___ FF3300
Blue Green - 328da9 ___ 3399CC or 0099CC
Blue Grey - b8b9d8 ___ CCCCFF
Blue - 4105c9 _____ 3300CC
Book Blue - 3b5999 (Ice)
Brick Red - 963729 (Evil)
Bright Thistle - e4a6e6 ___ CC99CC or F0BEDB
Brown - 63310d __ 663300 7A240A
Bubble Blue - a6e6f8 ___ BCE1F1
Bubblegum Pink - ffaee0 ___ FFB6C4
Burgundy - 630017 (Evil)
Buttercup - fdee87 ___ FFFF66 FFFF99
Cameo Green - 496555
Candy Floss - f2cbcc ___ FFCCCC
Carrot - cc5801 _____ F45608
Charcoal - 363656 _____
Chestnut - 6e3400 _____ 663300
Chocolate - 4f3133 _____
Cinnamon - b56727 _____ CC6600
Clover - 03ac13 _____ 33CC00
Cobalt Blue - 1338bd _____ 0033CC 003399
Cool Black - 1f2022 Black 9th Birthday
Cool Brown - 302627 _____
Cream - fffada _____
Cupid Pink - e8a3b5 _____
Cyan - a1ecff _____
Dark Blue - 00049c Navy
Dark Green - 00475e _____
Dark Magenta - 78005a _____
Dark Orange - c05600 _____
Dark Plum - 330033 Death
Dark Red - c50b0f Heartfelt
Dark Retro Red - 741818 Cursed
Darkest Brown - 332215 Walrus
Darkest Red - 330000 Easter
Dawn Orange - f6a176 Candy Corn
Deep Brown - 23170b _____
Deep Charcoal - 23272d _____
Deep Green Blue - 224727 Penguin
Deep Green - 084405 _____ 003300
Deep Maroon - 800505 _____
Deep Plum - 693953 Penguin
Deep Purple - 660066 Spotted
Dusk Purple - 3e2686 _____
Dust - d8c8b8 _____ E7D7C7
Egg - fdefb2 _____
Forest Green - 336600 Moon
Gentle Blue - d5eeee Ice
Gentle Green - dbf7d5 _____
Gentle Pink - ffcfc7 _____ FFCCCC
Gentle Purple - ebefee _____
Ginger - c95d05 _____
Golden Blonde - f0be10 _____ FFCC00
Golden Brown - c67b30 Walrus
Goldenrod - fdb647 Domino
Grape - 5f0538 _____
Grape Jelly - 6c325a _____
Green - 4a8701 _____
Grey Blue - b0d7d8 _____ 96CBCF
Grey Brown - 523b35 _____ 5B4338 F7C482
Grey Purple - c7c0d3 _____
Grey Rose - a04242 _____
Grey Thistle - 996699 Wizard
Honey - fecc51 _____
Hot Pink - c9057d _____
Iris - 9866c5 Extremely Scary
Jewel Green - 022d34 _____
Latte - e9c17b _____ F7C482
Leaf Green - 0c5978 _____
Lemon - effc5e _____
Light Blue - a1c2ff _____
Light Mint - 9aedc3 Extremely Scary
Light Plum - db8dff _____
Light Red - ff1526 Heartfelt
Light Wood - dcbf9d _____ E9CFBC
Lime Green - 89ff0b _____
Magenta - cc005e _____
Magnolia - ffd5b7 _____
Mahogany - 400d0a Cursed
Mango - ed820e Pumpkin
Mara Green - 51cea0 _____
Maramail Brown - c18743 _____
Maroon - 780000 _____
Mauve - 784b86 _____
Melon - fca172 Extremely Scary
Midnight Blue - 1e2241 Navy Blue
Milk Foam - e0cdbf Pumpkin
Mint - b0dfd9 Haunted Moon
Mist Blue - 96d2d3 Ice
Moss - 9c985b _____
Murky Grey - ccd6c2 _____
Mustard - e2bd49 _____
Navy Blue - 002a5e Navy Blue
Neon Berry - cc00cc Red
Neon Green - 72ff00 _____
Neon Orange - ff9900 Dark Chocolate
Neon Pink - ff0060 Coral
Neon Purple - 7200ff Pixel
Off Black - 0e0e0e Bat
Off White - faf3e1 White 9th Birthday
Olive Green - 585530 _____
Olive - 7c7547 _____
Orange - 778b35 _____
Orchid - d2a1ff _____ CC99FF
Pale Green - b0cd8b _____
Pale Yellow - fff4d9 Penguin
Parsley - 32612d _____
Pastel Blonde - ffe8a2 _____
Pastel Green - ccffcc Halloween
Pastel Peach - ffcc99 Bronze
Pink - ffa7f0 Coral
Pistachio - a8e597 _____
Plum - 9b557d _____
Pumpkin - d5620d _____
Pure Blue - 006677 _____
Purple - 9405c9 _____
Red - c90505 _____ CC0000
Red Plum - 5f1a36 _____
Red Violet - 750787 _____
Red Wine - 621a26 Blood
Retro Red - d62529 Evil
Rose - ed9d9d _____
Rosemary - 92be84 _____
Rosy Brown - ae6c6e _____
Ruby - 9b111e _____
Rust - 7a240a Cursed
Sage - 728c60 _____
Salmon - fd6fab Coral
Salt - e7ebf0 White 9th Birthday
Sand Brown - cc9966 Ninja
Sand - e6ce8a Beach
Sea Blue - 2262d7 _____
Sea Green - 008268 Candy Corn
Seaweed - 354a21 _____
Sienna - 92562a _____
Silver Grey - BBBBBB Gravestone
Sky Blue - a1a3ff _____
Slate Grey - 727272 Gravestone
Soft Green - c7ff9a _____
Soft Thistle - d1a9c1 _____
Soot - 454240 Gravestone
Spring Green - 98ff59 Haunted Moon
Steel Blue - 6a6ba4 _____
Steel Purple - 422363 Pixel
Strawberry Blonde - cc6666 Pirate
Tan - c08d68 _____
Teal - 32aa8c _____
Thistle - dac2d0 _____
Thyme - 6f893f _____
Tickled Pink - f25278 _____
Tropical Green - cdff95 _____
True Cyan - 12adf5 _____
Tumbling Blue - 2c4762 _____ 184875
Turquoise - 28a2b7 _____
Violet - 9625ff _____
Violet Red - ac044f Heartfelt
Vomit Green - 739f2e _____
Warm Black - 221f1f Black 9th Birthday
Warm Brown - 893101 _____
Watermelon - fe7f9c _____
White Grape - 76ff7a _____
White - FFFFFF
Wine - 2c051a _____
Winter Blue - 95f4df Pumpkin
Worm Brown - 563822 Walrus
Yellow - ffe505 _____