Minipet colour info
3 years & 13 days ago

27th Feb 2022 19:34
Most minipets can change colour by using yarn or Fasoro Falls. There are some exceptions:
Minipets that do not have other colours.
- Bug, Organic and Robot
- Many of the newer minis (check in the search bar to see if other colours are possible)
Minipets that can't change colour
- Undying (must be created in the colour wanted)
- Fish (colour is as caught in Fishing game and Pearl Hurl)
Minipets that can't be changed at Fasoro Falls
Gourmet & wild minipets cannot change through Fasoro Falls but can change with balls of yarn IF a colour variation is possible
Some pets colors be changed with yarn, eg Fat minis. Note that Fat minis must be created with Ball of Fat Yarn, Fat is not a Falls option.
What Maps are Needed by Which Goals?
4 years, 2 months & 7 days ago

3rd Jan 2021 12:05
Biala - Ice Caves (45), Advent Tree (50)
Candyland - Sumo Sally Pass (39)
City Sewers - Sewer Pipes (26)
Eleka Castle - Fugunzel (33)
Foxfire - Carpenter (4), Foxfire Pond (22)
Jenoa - Fishing (22), Whirlpool (26)
Kamilah - Kamilah Pyramid (36)
Lowlyhood - Private Dental Insurance (31), Premium Hair (41)
Minipet Isle - Volcano (16), Fishing (37), have 12 or more maps (50)
Simeria - Simerian Explorer (17)
Slater Park - Enchanted Plushie Instructions (22)
Vortex Park - Bearber (25), Vortex Park Reservoir (36)
DNA Minipets Math
9 years, 7 months & 2 days ago

9th Aug 2015 19:26
(updated Jan 17, 2020 )
Addow + Osafo = Addafo
Addow + Reese = Addese
Addow + Bolimo = Addimo
Addow + Fasoro = Addoro
Addow + Newth = Addoth
Addow + Jessup = Addup
Arinya + Tasi = Arasi
Azul + Leido = Azeido
Azul + Grint = Azint
Azul + Zetlian = Azlian
Azul + Addow = Azow
Azul + Yakubi = Azubi
Azul + Equilor = Azulor
Bolimo + Grint = Bolint
Bolimo + Fasoro = Bolisoro
Chibs + Lati = Chati
Chibs + Bolimo = Chibimo
Chibs + Azul = Chibzul
Chibs + Addow = Chidow
Chibs + Feliz = Chiliz
Chibs + Willa = Chilla
Chibs + Xoi = Choi
Chibs + Doyle = Choyle
Chibs + Knutt = Chutt
Daisy + Gizmo = Dazmo
Decadal + Gonk = Decadonk
Doyle + Addow = Doyow
Doyle + Azul = Doyzul
Doyle + Vixen = Doxen
Dakota + Rusty = Dusty
Echlin + Poera = Echera
Ercuw + Yuni = Erni
Eyru + Jessup = Eysup
Fasoro + Osafo = Fasafo
Fasoro + Murfin = Fasofin
Fasoro + Azul = Fasorul
Feliz + Crindol = Fendol
Flab + Kronk = Flonk
Goblin + Astro = Gobro
Gonk + Oglue = Goglue
Gonk + Mordo = Gordo
Grint + Leido = Grinido
Grint + Addow = Grinow
Huthiq + Bolimo = Huthimo
Hump + Vixen = Huxen
Ike + Oglue = Iklue
Jessup + Leido = Jessido
Jessup + Azul = Jessul
Jessup + Knutt = Jessutt
Justin + Kaala = Justala
Kaala + Ideus = Kaaleus
Kidlet + Kaala = Kidala
Knutt + Fasoro = Knoro
Knutt + Azul = Knuzel
Basil + Kujo = Kusil
Leido + Addow = Leodow
Leido + Ushunda = Leidunda
Murfin + Addow = Murfow
Murfin + Azul = Murfzul
Newth + Justin = Newstin
Nino + Zoosh = Noosh
Osafo + Sybri = Osabri
Osafo + Jessup = Osafup
Paffuto + Grint = Paffint
Crikey + Pucu = Pikey
Quell + Addow = Quelow
Quell + Chibs = Quibs
Reese + Fasoro = Reesoro
Reese + Azul = Reezul
Reese + Limax = Remax
Renat + Ercuw = Renuw
Rofling + Addow = Roflow
Sindi + Snookle = Snoodi
Speiro + Straya = Speiya
Speiro + Gobble = Spobble
Sybri + Viotto = Syotto
Tantua + Chibs = Tantibs
Tantua + Addow = Tantow
Troit + Figaro = Trigaro
Troit + Limax = Tromax
Ushunda + Addow = Ushundow
Ushunda + Fasoro = Ushunoro
Viotto + Crindol = Viondol
Viotto + Zola = Viola
Vlad + Ideus = Vladeus
Walee + Jessup = Wassup
Willa + Osafo = Willafo
Willa + Snookle = Wookle
Yakubi + Addow = Yakuow
Yakubi + Newth = Yakuth
Zetlian + Walee + Zetlee
Zetlian + Fasoro = Zetoro
Zoink + Phanty = Zointy