almost nineteen ((:
12 years, 6 months & 10 days ago

30th Aug 2012 21:29
on september fourth. my last teenage birthday. wow, that is scary to think about o.o
alright, well good night/morning/afternoon/evening mara

Temple of Tableaus
12 years, 6 months & 17 days ago

23rd Aug 2012 11:03
[center]with Delightful
level un - flicker
cost: 49,998 MP
reward: mummy wrap
level deux - wheelee
cost: 21,998MP for yellow aa battery to fix wheelee;
didn't get wheeleecost: 27,994MP for purple aa battery to fix wheelee;
didn't get wheeleecost: 24,288MP for purple aa battery to fix wheelee;
didn't get wheeleetotal spent so far - 124,278 MP[/center]
13 years & 23 days ago

18th Feb 2012 17:18
[center]as you probably have seen, the dark side is losing.
do not be discouraged!tips!
DON'T FORGET ABOUT QUESTING!! questing will still get you ten points per quest! so if you're not a fast restocker, your best bet is to quest like there is no tomorrow!
if you are restocking, restock at the shops that are open to BOTH light and dark sides! we don't have to worry about the ones only open to us, the light side can't get them, and there are several already restocking there.
restock at all of the shops on minipet island! minipet island is neutral, and both sides can restock there. that way we can take points from them and give them to us!
Don't waste your money at the charity shop or the factory outlet! restocks there do NOT count toward your war points!
DON'T GIVE UP! we can do this!