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Gigantic Paradise
At the end of the rainbow in Gigantic Paradise sits a gigantic Pot of Gold filled with items. Most of these items are donated by generous players. The not so generous Scrooge also donates items here. Ever wondered what happened to those items you accidently drop around Marada? Items lost from Random Events go straight to the Pot of Gold too!

You can also view Prizes Won here and the High Scores List for those who donated the most items.

Players with fewer than 1,000,000MP can visit for FREE once every hour otherwise it's every 2 hours
Pot of Gold

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These items were just won at the Pot of Gold
Prison Ideus Plushie
Purple Butter Pancakes
Equilor Magazine Apr 2022
Green Zoosh Cracker
Plastic Surgery Coupon
Orange Chocolate Ushunda
Flayee Plushie
Teddy Bear Tree Decoration
Injured Osafo Plushie
Blue Sindi Cracker
Injured Murfin Plushie
Chewed Red Gumball
Blitzen Shield
White Sabertooth Humerus
Red Quell Plushie
Kamilah Codes Sugar Cube
Walee Jigsaw Puzzle
Snow Tantua Plushie
Blue Yakubi Potion
Humanities Scholarship
Black Lorulf Plate
Blue Fasoro Pen
Seasonal Nino Plushie
Cherry Gummy Gobble
Giant Broccoli
Blue Newth Plushie
Mushroom Cake
Injured Murfin Plushie
Balloon Glowing Egg
Injured Gonk Plushie
Mummy Crindol Plushie
Light Addow Photo
Angel Fasoro Plushie
Moustache Glasses
Echlin Action Figure
Orange Oglue Plushie
Neapolitan Snowman Ice Cream
Bunions Wanted Poster
Green Viotto Cracker
Yellow Newth Plushie
Black Straya Plushie
Silver Christmas Tree Star
Chewed Yellow Gumball
Milk Chocolate Gumball
Steel Blue Eyebrow Tint
Blue Yakubi Plushie
Pot of Silver Paint Stamp
Rainbow Fairy Paintbrush
Molecular Science Scholarship
Slice of Chocolate Pie