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Marapets is mobile friendly
Magenta (A domestic ) Magenta is an average height domestic with out-of-control, curly, long reddish brown hair. She is from the planet Transsexual, in the galaxy Transylvania. Her job is simple, keep the castle clean and prepare all meals. And wait on Frank hand and foot. Cater to his every whim. Magenta is fond of her brother Riff Raff, and can be seen laughing at the other's misery. She is close friends with Columbia. Magenta is not afraid to put her foot down to get her point across, and will be pushy or rude to get what she wants. Both her and her brother share a passion for their home planet. They long to return to the moon-drenched shores of their beloved planet, sweet Transsexual, land of night.
magenta_rulz the Balloon Murfin
9 years, 11 months & 14 days OldBorn 14th Apr 2015 16:23

Level 20 Teacher earning 15,000MP a day

Staff of Christmas
Bough Bow
Staff of Kamilah
Enpiah Mask
Staff of the Small
Plague Mask
Staff of Biala
Staff of the Night
Moon Shield
Earth Spear
Hunting Spear
Harvest Scythe
Golden Slingshot
Kamilah Shield