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Marapets is mobile friendly
Nachtide is very special to me. Name Meaning: "after tide" - roughly translated from a word combination in German and English.

Name Origin: I first started using the name "Nachtide" when I was in the middle of a dark depression in my life. When I created the name, I imagined the identity as a representation of my life. Essentially, the calm after a storm-
also referred to as my aftertide.

Fun Fact: Nachtide was previously a Chocolate Chibs, but after the Chocolate pets got revamped, I switched her to a Nimbus Chibs.
Nachtide the Nimbus Chibs
10 years, 1 month & 13 days OldBorn 15th Feb 2015 20:08

9 Years 9 Months Old
5 Years 4 Months Old
Grey Tyras
2 Years 11 Months Old
5 Months 7 Days Old
2 Months 7 Days Old
Level 7 Entrepreneur earning 400MP a day

Job Promotion earning 475MP a day
Charisma 15  Language 15  History 15  Geography 15  Maths 15  Books 40  Humanities 3  Business Studies 6 

Valentine Elixir
Harvest Scythe
Harvest Scythe
Digital Ray Gun