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12:23:20 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
What up! I'm an old returning player and behind on the times. I draw a lot but sporadically on here. Only going to draw pets as it's unfair to commissioners on other socials. <:}

Staff: I use my phone and desktop, my GF is Koze so we use the same WiFi. :) Shops/Trades: If you need something quick for a mission, I can try and cut you a deal. Just HMU if I'm online!

Pets: Working on fixing up pets, only one's up for trades/offers is Stefanny! Everyone else is HTP.

Current Main Pet: Daegny
Collecting Rusty plushies and other dog paraphernalia for her as she is named after my IRL dog Dagny. Hot Dawg and Halloweenie obtained before end of Halloween 23'!
Adminia the Gothic Chibs
16 years, 2 months & 18 days OldBorn 29th Dec 2008 13:03

1 Year 5 Months Old
1 Year 4 Months Old
1 Year 5 Months Old
1 Year 1 Month Old
Brown Coddle
1 Year 4 Months Old
Eleka Doon
1 Year 3 Months Old
1 Year 3 Months Old
Plushie Mia
1 Year 2 Months Old
1 Year 3 Months Old
Level 5 Model earning 300MP a day

Job Promotion earning 375MP a day
Health 10  Charisma 30  Art 8  Language 7  Sports 8  CDs 15  DVDs 15  Instruments 30  Balance 5  Coordination 5  Business Studies 1 

Staff of the Plushie Fairy