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1993 - 1993

Lea was adopted at 6 weeks when her mother was hit by a car. Sadly, Lea didn't make it to 3 months.

2012 - 2014

Lucky was another patio visitor who worked her way into the house. Unfortunately, she was gone a year later.

LuckyLea the Punk Chibs
16 years, 3 months & 3 days OldBorn 19th Nov 2008 13:16

7 Years 11 Months Old
5 Years 8 Months Old
Level 7 Veterinarian earning 435MP a day

Job Promotion earning 510MP a day
Strength 30  Defence 15  Speed 15  Charisma 12  Language 8  Geography 15  Maths 30  Science 50  Sports 7  Books 25  Balance 15  Stamina 15  Coordination 15  Environmental Studies 6  Molecular Science 6