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Hey guyz and gals its jim here. 31, Taiwanese player but I grew up in the Philippines . Married and just got my cutie little princess last january 11 2025🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️

My very 1st pet in mara is sssss23 the flab but now even though it is not a big achievement i was able to make it a gizmo

Farewell aweary my beloved rofling , farewell Godhead the rusty, Farewell reflectent my mafia limax, farewell shailyn the limax, trezzy the raulf , machinist and hisokasan the straya :(
Focusing now on Anisten, and sssss23

Only sssss23, Ike Tyson, Snook Dogg, Willa Smith are my created pet the rest are from trades.
Flanker the Magenta Figaro
24 days & 54 mins OldBorn 7th Mar 2025 01:06

11 Days Old