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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly's a secret: I used to be a Valentine Fasoro, the most adorable pet in all of Marada. I didn't always belong to this family. I was auctioned off by my former owner. SpringLilac fell in love with me the moment she saw me. Believe it or not, she practiced at auctions counting down and losing and counting down and losing. She didn't give up. When the time came for me to be auctioned off, she went into the auction with nothing but winning on her mind; she outbid the nearest bidder by over 500,000 mp. She's never for one moment thought I wasn't worth the price. She says I'm priceless.

6/23/19 Mom supposedly didn't pay the electric bill and I was sent to prison, but MOM DID pay it a few days ago. I was falsely imprisoned! Anyway, I've been sprung!

6/27/2020 Some time ago, I was redrawn. It made me so sad. I talked it over with my mom and we decided I should become a limited edition pet. Yesterday I became a Basil. Now I'm happy. After the Academy competition at the end of the month, Mom will start taking photos of me in different costumes. I'm hoping by then there will be a wizard costume I can wear, but if not, Mom has a fireworks costume ready.

01/28/21 "Wenlie is now Level 20 Chef with daily income of MP11,100MP. You will now win Double Plates at the Ferris Wheel permanently." Mom already does, but I wanted to be a chef like Lidia Bastianich so she agreed to foot the university bill. Voila!
Wenlie the Winter Basil
17 years, 9 months & 11 days OldBorn 31st May 2007 13:37

10 Years 1 Month Old
9 Years 5 Months Old
Pink Quelow
20 Years 11 Months Old
20 Years 11 Months Old
4 Years 10 Months Old
Green Fello
3 Years 5 Months Old
3 Years 8 Months Old
White Sewage
2 Years 11 Months Old
Green Flez
3 Years 5 Months Old
Blue Fello
2 Years 10 Months Old
7 Months 13 Days Old
Level 20 Chef earning 11,100MP a day