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Marapets is mobile friendly
On Vacation
Hi, there! I live on a secret island called Shoraiddean, which is located in the Frwengohwan Seas off the coast of Phwantophar on the planet Illinam. The island is the size of New Hampshire and Rhode Island combined. There's a rain forest, jungle, swamp, village, city, desert, and a few volcanoes here and there.
I love to explore. Yesterday I managed to climb a 500 foot tree, but I got stuck 245 feet up in a branch that caught me on my left arm. It took me 20 minutes to untangle myself, but I did it. After that, I decided I had enough fun climbing a tree for one day.
I enjoy bananas, oranges, pineapples, mangoes, and grapes. I do not like cherries, apples, nuts, or eggs.
I would like to change my name to Malakhara.
I absolutely adore my owner! She is so cool!