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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
I'm WAS so CUTE... I was once a beautiful Alien Daisy but then my momma accidentally turned me into an Echlin via the Slate Pyramid. She says she wants to fix me but I kinda like being this way! Long story short, she did it again this time by putting me in the portal by accident...
MeccaLeckaHi the Thunder Gizmo
18 years, 11 months & 3 days OldBorn 19th Mar 2006 19:26

I was once a beautiful Alien Daisy but then my momma accidentally turned me into an Echlin via the Slate Pyramid. She says she wants to fix me but I kinda like being this way! Long story short, she did it again this time by putting me in the portal by accident...