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Marapets is mobile friendly
On Vacation
Halloeve is my twelfth pet and he has quite a long history. So here is the Legend of Halloeve:
Named for All Hallos eve. Halloeve was created a Yakubi specifically to be turned into a Zombie Yakubi for the purpose of getting 2 avatars. The first was the Poison Avatar - to buy a Poison from the Poison Shop and the second was the Scary Avatar - to view your Zombie Yakubi. So I used the Poison on my Yakubi to turn it Zombie.
Since the Zombie pet is associated with Undying Woods I created a pet with a name befitting this part of Mara.
Next I needed a Chocolate Pet to complete Level 30 of Candyland Goals. To complete this level I needed to use a Chocolate Costume on one of my pets. I decided that since the Zoink is given out as a reward for completing the Trotter Mission in Undying Woods that I would change Halloeve into a Zoink and use the Chocolate Costume on him to complete the Candyland Goal. He has been a Chocolate Zoink ever since but may be getting a costume change at sometime in the future.
So, the next costume change was Prison. I got Halloeve a job as a thief and he kept getting caught and sent to prison. A total of 25 times and Halloeve earned the "25 to Life" Avatar.
On February 11, 2020 Halloeve finished the Temple of Transmogrification and was turned into a Rofling, one of my favorite pets on Mara. He is currently in the Temple of Transformation and will become a Devil rofling to go with my Angel Rofling.
Halloeve is finished in the Temple of Transformation, is now a Devil Rofling and will never change again!