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Marapets is mobile friendly

On Vacation
Tyleon's much loved, late little sister. May she rest in peace. In her life, Alovor was a big-hearted, generous plantmaster who owned a herbology and plant store. Her biggest passions were going on adventures with and being with her big brother, helping creatures as much as possible, studying and taking care of all plants of every type imaginable and learning of their properties (roses were always a favourite), plant breeding, and training her knighthood skills...
A powerful magic-wielding knight (who specialises with daggers) and master of plants, most knew better than to get on this sweet plant-lover's bad side, despite her innocent, gentle demeanor. Appearances aren't everything. Her bestest friend was always her big bro- The two were rarely ever apart, sharing a bond that went far deeper than any of her plants' roots ever could dig. For a great chunk of their lives, each other was all either of them had...
"You may marvel at the seemingly delicate head of a beautiful rose, but if you dare to foolishly pick her off her stem, you will suffer a handful of tough thorns... "