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2nd December 2018
6 years, 2 months & 29 days ago
A new Weekly Job Contest has just started. The challenge is to earn the most MP in wages this week from the Freelance Agency in Vortex Park. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Red Two Million, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : Sweetangeleyes, Sweetdemonicangel, Fork
Silver : waterlogged, Newday, MissNora, waterkant, xintilla, neha007
Bronze : Susi, bigfatdaddybear, Nitewalker, Beth, skycruiser1, xenious, Yuletide, abc123d, TraceyLCM

The Lottery has been drawn for this week. DollyS is the winner of the 1,900,000MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 2, 4, 17, 32, 45 and 48. Congratulations!

Last Week's Raffle has now ended. Twinkling is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 686569. Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!

The Game of the Week has changed to Battle of Baspinar and this week's Olympics Event is Running.

The Mission of the Week has now changed. Earn 50% more MP completing levels of Penitentiary this week.

Voting has closed and a new Shop of the Week has been decided. For the next 7 days, the Costumes shop has a 2 for 1 sale. Every time you buy an item from this shop you will pay for one and receive two. Vote Now for next week.

All pets wearing a Coral Costume will receive Double Training stats this week at the Gym and Elite Gym. Vote Now for next week. All pets wearing a Snowman Costume will receive Double Education stats this week at the School and University. Vote Now for next week.

1st December 2018
6 years, 2 months & 29 days ago
Its December 1st and the Advent Calender has started. Visit Biala Mountain every day during the month of December to receive two FREE items and MP - Christmas Day you will receive Account Upgrade Credit! All prizes will retire at the end of each day.


The Advent Tree prizes will be released later in the month. If you haven't already completed this map, you can do so before the prizes are released to receive the 2017 prizes before they retire.
1st December 2018
6 years & 3 months ago

Full Unnecessary Perfection Instructions

A new Monthly Mission Contest has just started. This month's mission is The Fates. The challenge is to complete as many levels of this Mission in a month. You will earn an extra point for each level you complete. Complete level 1 and receive 1 point, complete level 2 and receive 2 points and so on. Congratulations to the winners:
Gold: RJ, Anmitsu, dreamlover11359
Silver: nickie415, wylie96797, MissNora, StephenE, Catherine, Cappygirl
Bronze: Alcyone, Brie, Joanne, Snot, TonyGunk, _Dee_, 2000caroline, Bulma, Slumber

The November 2018 Monthly Checklist winners have been announced and the prizes have been rewarded. Congratulations to all of those who have won. Don't forget, this is a monthly permanent feature that you can enter for FREE. If you haven't already, it's time to start entering the December event!
Monthly Checklist
1st Prize

£150 Account Upgrade Credit

2nd Prize

£100 Account Upgrade Credit

3rd Prize

£50 Account Upgrade Credit
Bonus Prizes

30 more winners of £15 Account Upgrade Credit
20 more winners of £10 Account Upgrade Credit
10 more winners of £5 Account Upgrade Credit

Click Here to see November 2018 Winners
30th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Mara also enters you into a FREE Progress Raffle every day that you visit us. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. You will be entered into either a Bronze, Silver or Gold raffle depending on what level you have progressed to. Winners are announced every Friday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£30 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by neha007
 Gold Raffle Winner
Level 50-75

Won by Jinxed
 Silver Raffle Winner
Level 25-49

One Hundred Dukka Coin
Won by norge
 Bronze Raffle Winner
Level 1-24

29th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
A new Weekly Quest Contest has just started. This week's quest game is Microwave. The challenge is to complete as many of these Quests this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Gnome Costume, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Splatters, kittyh63, Westsidecrip13
Silver: kyang, Spiceoloidmime, husky230, JayZ99, SpookyOuija, bartboy1
Bronze: annatje6666, skycruiser1, vinylhearts, sunlightfaze, Risesunray, Xaenthe, cutiebaby5, goodluckbear, greenmonkey14

A new Ugly Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Ugly Sweater. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Turkey Dinner theme:

28th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Queen Eleka also gives you a FREE Loyalty Raffle Ticket every day that you visit us for this Weekly Raffle. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. Winners are announced every Wednesday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£25 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by Norie

Won by Becoming

Two Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Won by f24847

A new Weekly Item Contest has just started. This week's item is Hawthorn. The challenge is to delete as many of this item as you can this week. You will earn 1 Point in the contest and 1 Memory Point for every Hawthorn deleted. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Brain Juice, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : Lady, SacredLilyRain, Iyansa
Silver : v1ct0r14, vicky2125, Root, Asterisky, Awry, rosemariebelikov
Bronze : Dzhelasi, classick, BrittanyLyn17, AuraQueen, Caity1994, Mikestoker51, fungoh, SammyCarie, Gunbau

27th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
A new Weekly Battle Contest has just started. This week's opponent is Sniffer. You will need to have a Sniffer Trading Card in your Battle Deck. The challenge is to win as many battles against this opponent this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Carvey Trading Card, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Nicky, Sizzle, JavannaLynn
Silver: Xaenthe, honor111, Twinkling, MoonbeamRyder, tommyg01, x_snowfall_x
Bronze: _Dee_, Snot, magenta2977, Brad, Christian, Newday, dreamlover11359, Toshiyori63, Caveira

A new Beauty Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Beautiful Winter. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Sailing for a new continent theme:

25th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
A new Weekly Job Contest has just started. The challenge is to earn the most MP in wages this week from the Freelance Agency in Vortex Park. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Green Smew, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : Sweetangeleyes, Sweetdemonicangel, Nicky
Silver : MissNora, xenious, waterlogged, Borak, waterkant, blitzen
Bronze : skycruiser1, TannyB, cybele, StephenE, fishdoctor, behappy, Twinkling, Paulagrin, xintilla

The Lottery has been drawn for this week. friendsmagic is the winner of the 1,860,500MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 7, 22, 30, 37, 40 and 41. Congratulations!

Last Week's Raffle has now ended. Daisyduck61 is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 671235. Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!

The Game of the Week has changed to Spider Solitare and this week's Olympics Event is Swimming.

The Mission of the Week has now changed. Earn 50% more MP completing levels of Hospice this week.

Voting has closed and a new Shop of the Week has been decided. For the next 7 days, the Costumes shop has a 2 for 1 sale. Every time you buy an item from this shop you will pay for one and receive two. Vote Now for next week.

All pets wearing a Christmas Tree Costume will receive Double Training stats this week at the Gym and Elite Gym. Vote Now for next week. All pets wearing a Skeleton Costume will receive Double Education stats this week at the School and University. Vote Now for next week.

23rd November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
B L A C K     F R I D A Y

Its Black Friday on Marapets and for the next 72 hours we have some amazing deals for you all around the site!

Every single purchase of Account Upgrades Credit made with Paypal over the next 72 hours will receive a special 35% EXTRA BONUS CREDIT!!!

All items that restock in the main shops are now 75% OFF their usual price. They will also stock DOUBLE the normal amount of items!

The Gym and Elite Gym have FREE TRAINING for ALL pets!

The School has FREE LESSONS for ALL pets!

Can you find the 'Thanksgiving 2018' Hidden Avatar?

Please note that when you purchase Account Upgrades Credit with PayPal, the bonus credits are rounded down and any other promotions, such as bonus items, will not work with this promotion.
23rd November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Mara also enters you into a FREE Progress Raffle every day that you visit us. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. You will be entered into either a Bronze, Silver or Gold raffle depending on what level you have progressed to. Winners are announced every Friday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£30 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by kittycatslover
 Gold Raffle Winner
Level 50-75

Won by abria
 Silver Raffle Winner
Level 25-49

One Hundred Dukka Coin
Won by DeathBecomesHer
 Bronze Raffle Winner
Level 1-24

22nd November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 8 days ago
H A P P Y     T H A N K S G I V I N G !

It's almost Thanksgiving in the United States and we would like to wish all of our players celebrating a very happy Thanksgiving. Everyone at Marapets is thankful for each and every one of you!

There is a shortage of Gobbles in Marada. With Talon frightened that he will be cooked instead, he has hired a replacement Zurple until December 11th. Zurple is Burple's colourful sister, Burple is Gurple's even uglier cousin and Murple is Burple's best friend's neighbour. Murple is an original Gobble, too ugly and unpalatable to be eaten. Are you brave enough to fight him in the Battle Arena? Visit the Talon Quest page and start a quest. You then battle and win against Zurple and go back to the quest page to complete it. He will reward you with MP or these new Thanksgiving Prizes that will retire after December 11th.

Can you find the 'Zurple' Hidden Avatar?

22nd November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 9 days ago
A new Weekly Quest Contest has just started. This week's quest game is Snowman. The challenge is to complete as many of these Quests this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Splatter Costume, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Nicky, Sweetdemonicangel, Spiceoloidmime
Silver: Clown, MommaCats, Maureen, flojo35, Twinkling, Teacup
Bronze: Borak, JgBcGirl, delloyd, tvampyer, Darknessing, Nanny_of_16, Mccandles, MissNora, blitzen

A new Ugly Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Turkey Dinner. Congratulations to last week's winners of the No Shave November theme:

21st November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Queen Eleka also gives you a FREE Loyalty Raffle Ticket every day that you visit us for this Weekly Raffle. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. Winners are announced every Wednesday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£25 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by furryshakes

Won by katali121

Two Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Won by Azaura

A new Weekly Item Contest has just started. This week's item is Grey Snookle Plushie. The challenge is to delete as many of this item as you can this week. You will earn 1 Point in the contest and 1 Memory Point for every Grey Snookle Plushie deleted. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Bottle of Courage, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : mischiefmaker, lizlimsetanglin, Hjphj
Silver : AuraQueen, Furship, herbgurl21, EC14266, slipknotfan4ever, bigpotato
Bronze : blur, fungoh, Caity1994, chloe2414, SammyCarie, Jazmihn, Menthol, Lee2016, Adrian20

20th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
Today is the last day of Maraween. The Pumpkin Hunt and the Halloween items on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop will retire at midnight.

Don't miss our Thanksgiving Event and our new Black Friday Event later this week!

New limited edition Thanksgiving items, including a random Gobble Potion or Enchanted Gobble Plushie, are now on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will all automatically retire December 5th.

The Feliz, Flab and Lorius can now wear the Sewers Costume.

20th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
A new Weekly Battle Contest has just started. This week's opponent is Desert Spy. You will need to have a Desert Spy Trading Card in your Battle Deck. The challenge is to win as many battles against this opponent this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Party Monster Trading Card, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Catherine, Newday, Xaenthe
Silver: Giz, rainbow54, Mordos, _Fire_, Lisa, _Dee_
Bronze: nysomind, Kimbo, Nicky, dreamlover11359, DragonLady1, tvampyer, Bellatrix90, Dar, ellen44dugas

A new Beauty Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Sailing for a new continent. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Winter is coming theme:

18th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
A new Weekly Job Contest has just started. The challenge is to earn the most MP in wages this week from the Freelance Agency in Vortex Park. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Green Fiffo, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : Sweetangeleyes, waterlogged, Sweetdemonicangel
Silver : Mordos, cybele, waterkant, skycruiser1, Nicky, MissNora
Bronze : behappy, Borak, Twinkling, xenious, bigfatdaddybear, Sonya, wittelsbach, xintilla, Marafreaks4clothes

The Lottery has been drawn for this week. it030303 is the winner of the 1,811,800MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 6, 8, 23, 35, 36 and 39. Congratulations!

Cheese is back under new ownership and can be invested in again. Shares are starting at 465MP.

Last Week's Raffle has now ended. minnwild_07 is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 653205. Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!

The Game of the Week has changed to Football and this week's Olympics Event is Running.

The Mission of the Week has now changed. Earn 50% more MP completing levels of Circus this week.

Voting has closed and a new Shop of the Week has been decided. For the next 7 days, the Costumes shop has a 2 for 1 sale. Every time you buy an item from this shop you will pay for one and receive two. Vote Now for next week.

All pets wearing a Injured Costume will receive Double Training stats this week at the Gym and Elite Gym. Vote Now for next week. All pets wearing a Calico Costume will receive Double Education stats this week at the School and University. Vote Now for next week.

17th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
The retired Sumo Sally Pass is now back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop.

A new Quest has been released in Foxfire Forest. Complete all 16 pieces of the Carpenter Treasure Map, which is on sale at Rapunzel's Tower, to gain lifetime access to this new quest. Chippy the Carpenter will ask you to bring him random items he needs and he will reward you with MP.

You may also win new Toy Blocks which will be needed for a new Puny Pyramid that will be released next year. If you are really lucky, you may complete a quest when he has no MP or Toy Blocks avaliable. When this happens, he will instead promise to fix the next Toy that your pet breaks!

Carpenter has been added to the quests page, your profile counter and Foxfire Forest world map.
16th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Mara also enters you into a FREE Progress Raffle every day that you visit us. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. You will be entered into either a Bronze, Silver or Gold raffle depending on what level you have progressed to. Winners are announced every Friday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£30 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by ellen44dugas
 Gold Raffle Winner
Level 50-75

Won by Hallmark
 Silver Raffle Winner
Level 25-49

One Hundred Dukka Coin
Won by raviary
 Bronze Raffle Winner
Level 1-24

15th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 15 days ago
It seems Elf woke up today and thought it was December 2017 so... the Carol Singing event from last year will run until midnight today.

For a limited time only, the retired Steampunk Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will all automatically retire November 29th.

The Astro, Gizmo and Kaala can now wear the Sewers Costume.

15th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
A new Weekly Quest Contest has just started. This week's quest game is Slater Stalker. The challenge is to complete as many of these Quests this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Midnight Costume, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Jerene54, lu_garu, sophiachia
Silver: Wxk, elouise121, bekahfree, mav8, Tillian, Quagmire
Bronze: BeautyAndSavage, Paine911, Pokeduck, Undying, SacredLilyRain, imtoocoolforschool, MissNora, mclain_cody, applez2

A new Ugly Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is No Shave November. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Master of Disguise theme:

14th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 17 days ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Queen Eleka also gives you a FREE Loyalty Raffle Ticket every day that you visit us for this Weekly Raffle. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. Winners are announced every Wednesday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£25 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by MrBean

Won by bluemonkeygirl3

Two Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin
Won by cromergar13

A new Weekly Item Contest has just started. This week's item is Poisonous Dagger. The challenge is to delete as many of this item as you can this week. You will earn 1 Point in the contest and 1 Memory Point for every Poisonous Dagger deleted. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Chocolate 12th Birthday Cupcake, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : v1ct0r14, AuraQueen, Mintbunni
Silver : Root, Anmitsu, Cowsgoboo, Lisa, vicky2125, dreamlover11359
Bronze : gosh, babyturtle1995, bopig, plainoldmegan, Jedi, Keo, Genevieve, lilfarielover, Palmtrees

13th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 18 days ago
A new Weekly Battle Contest has just started. This week's opponent is Daemon. You will need to have a Daemon Trading Card in your Battle Deck. The challenge is to win as many battles against this opponent this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Snoogle Trading Card, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: spocktari, Toni1826, Xaenthe
Silver: _Dee_, v1ct0r14, AngelicGal, NightShadows, Patti, Clown
Bronze: seemore677, Missbrainy, AutumnRose, Bellatrix90, Nicky, DragonLady1, Alcyone, Newday, Nitewalker

A new Beauty Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Winter is coming. Congratulations to last week's winners of the King/Queen of the night theme:

11th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 20 days ago
A new Weekly Job Contest has just started. The challenge is to earn the most MP in wages this week from the Freelance Agency in Vortex Park. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Grey Pumpkin Ed, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy. Congratulations to the winners:

Gold : Sweetangeleyes, Sweetdemonicangel, waterlogged
Silver : ellomybeautiful, xenious, Borak, delloyd, behappy, waterkant
Bronze : MissNora, Root, xintilla, Twinkling, NanaKay, Nitewalker, Paulagrin, Fernweh, skycruiser1

The Lottery has been drawn for this week. mythenmetz is the winner of the 2,026,400MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 1, 8, 9, 30, 39 and 42. Congratulations!

Last Week's Raffle has now ended. Augmented is the winner of the Red DNA and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 646391. Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 10MP per ticket!

The Game of the Week has changed to Biala Tetris and this week's Olympics Event is Hurdles.

The Mission of the Week has now changed. Earn 50% more MP completing levels of The Troll this week.

Voting has closed and a new Shop of the Week has been decided. For the next 7 days, the Face Make Up shop has a 2 for 1 sale. Every time you buy an item from this shop you will pay for one and receive two. Vote Now for next week.

All pets wearing a Gold Costume will receive Double Training stats this week at the Gym and Elite Gym. Vote Now for next week. All pets wearing a Arcade Costume will receive Double Education stats this week at the School and University. Vote Now for next week.

9th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 22 days ago
Your loyalty is important to us! King Baspinar rewards you for how old your account is and Queen Eleka rewards you for the number of days you visit us. Mara also enters you into a FREE Progress Raffle every day that you visit us. Visit us every day of the week and you receive 8 raffle tickets. You will be entered into either a Bronze, Silver or Gold raffle depending on what level you have progressed to. Winners are announced every Friday. Congratulations to last week's winners:

£30 Account Upgrades Credit
Won by Borak
 Gold Raffle Winner
Level 50-75

Won by xintilla
 Silver Raffle Winner
Level 25-49

One Hundred Dukka Coin
Won by WisperInk
 Bronze Raffle Winner
Level 1-24

8th November 2018
6 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
A new Weekly Quest Contest has just started. This week's quest game is Kamilah Traveller. The challenge is to complete as many of these Quests this week. The top 3 players at the end of the challenge will receive a Mermaid Costume, 200,000MP and a Gold Trophy, the next 6 players will receive 150,000MP and a Silver Trophy and the next 9 players will receive 100,000MP and a Bronze Trophy.
Congratulations to the winners:

Gold: Lucina, Ruffa, Anmitsu
Silver: Jerene54, Sinead, lu_garu, angelofmusic06, wylie96797, SwetaNew
Bronze: hemmogirl, Quagmire, alphaxidelta, Alcyone, mepopmad, Hallow, Clown, Sweetangeleyes, MissNora

A new Ugly Contest has just started. The theme to dress up as this week is Master of Disguise. Congratulations to last week's winners of the Scary Decoration theme: