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Marapets is mobile friendly
27th March 2025
22 hrs & 50 mins ago
A new 'Treasure Map' Experience has been released. Can you find it?
There are 35 new Noses to choose from at Plastic Surgery and a new Plastic Surgery Treasure Map is now on sale at the Slater Stalker's Shop

Complete all 16 pieces of the new Plastic Surgery Treasure Map and you will be able to use Plastic Surgery for FREE for life! Otherwise, you can use a Plastic Surgery Coupon item to change your nose here

26th March 2025
1 day, 23 hrs & 32 mins ago
25th March 2025
3 days, 1 hr & 17 mins ago
Lowlyhood Goals have 25 new levels to complete
A new 'Lowlyhood' Experience has been released. Can you find it?

24th March 2025
4 days, 10 hrs & 9 mins ago
Happy Kaala Day
All Kaala pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today

All Kaala pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today

All Kaala pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today

The Kaala can now wear the Armoured, Christmas, Eclipse, Gnome, Mafia, Pirate, Sponge and Spring Costumes
23rd March 2025
5 days & 15 mins ago
The Salon, Bearber, Plastic Surgery, Dentist and Yuni Brows Dress Up features have been improved

Whenever you visit these features, you can now easily see a preview of how each change will look on your doll. You can now use a Salon Coupon item to change to any hair style at the Salon but if you complete the Premium Hair Treasure Map you can use the Salon for FREE for life! We've made the same change to the Dentist and the Private Dental Insurance Map. The artwork to all of the coupons has also been revamped!

There are 58 new Eyebrows to choose from at Yuni Brows and a new Yuni Brows Treasure Map is now on sale at the Fake Pirate Ship

Complete all 16 pieces of the new Yuni Brows Treasure Map and you will be able to use Yuni Brows for FREE for life! Otherwise, you can use a Yuni Brows Coupon item to change your eyebrows here. We also made changes to the Hump Racing quest. Complete any of these quests and if your Hump wins the race, you will win a Yuni Brows Coupon and MP (500MP x odds of winning) but if it loses, you'll win a consolation prize of 250MP and a new Hieroglyphic H

21st March 2025
7 days, 3 hrs & 28 mins ago
A new 'Midnight Haunt' Experience has been released. Can you find it?
The Voodoo Dolls Shop and all of its items have been revamped

We have increased the frequency of how often items may be on sale at this shop too! The missing Wallop Voodoo Doll has also been released and is a High Score Reward prize for the Wallop! game

20th March 2025
8 days, 10 hrs & 9 mins ago
19th March 2025
9 days, 5 hrs & 4 mins ago
The American Bolimo, Crikey, Dakota, Gonk, Justin, Kidlet, Kujo, Newth, Renat, Speiro, Tantua, Ushunda and Yakubi have been revamped to match the new style of the American Costume

17th March 2025
10 days, 21 hrs & 43 mins ago
16th March 2025
11 days & 18 hrs ago
15th March 2025
13 days, 5 hrs & 34 mins ago
We have updated Eleka's Castle Goals and there are now 25 new levels to complete

Prizes include a new Mechanical Menagerie Token for feature that will be released later this year
A new 'Eleka's Castle' Experience has been released. Can you find it?

14th March 2025
14 days, 10 hrs & 9 mins ago
Happy Equilor Day
All Equilor pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today

All Equilor pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today

All Equilor pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today

The Equilor can now wear the Cartoon, Christmas, Daylight, Eclipse, Gnome, Hobo, Mafia, Musical, Pirate, Punk and School Costumes
12th March 2025
16 days, 1 hr & 21 mins ago
A new Leprechaun Account Upgrade Set has been released

This set is on sale until April 15th and has 8 new Leprechaun themed items, Leprechaun Costume, a Ball of Leprechaun Yarn and either a Leprechaun Enchanted Plushie or Leprechaun Potion. You can choose if you would like the main prize to be a Leprechaun Enchanted Plushie or Potion. There is a 1 in 3 chance you will receive a limited edition Snookle instead of Azul, Crindol, Doyle, Feliz, Flab, Grint, Ideus, Jessup, Kidlet, Knutt, Murfin, Osafo, Paffuto, Reese, Renat, Speiro, Walee, Yakubi or Zetlian
A new 'Lucky Charm' Experience has been released. Can you find it?

All Leprechaun pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE LESSONS at the School and University until March 25th

These Minipets can now wear the new Ball of Leprechaun Yarn

12th March 2025
16 days, 2 hrs & 41 mins ago
The Rainbow weather event has ended and our new St Patrick's Day site design is now live

Just to confuse you all, the new St Patrick's Day layout also has a rainbow on it (oops) but we've added clovers to it to help make it clearer.... remember, you can always check if a weather event is active at the Weather Forecast

This new site design will change March 10th until March 25th every year with FREE TRAINING for all Leprechaun pets

Leprechaun quests are back and he has a new design

All Leprechaun pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym until March 25th

All Leprechaun pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University until March 25th
11th March 2025
16 days, 22 hrs & 38 mins ago
The Robot Repair quests in Ziranek have been updated. There are also five new Robot Minipets to repair

A new 'Retro Wasteland' Experience has been released. Can you find it?

The Equilor, Paffuto, Rusty and Straya can now wear the Robot Costume

10th March 2025
18 days, 10 hrs & 12 mins ago

After a couple of days of drizzle, it's slowly stopping and the sun has come through, creating a beautiful Rainbow. What happens when there is a Rainbow? Well...

All Rainbow Pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University.

Whenever there is a rainbow in Marada, the Operations Portal, Whirlpool, Vortex Park Reservoir and Foxfire Pond are guaranteed to change your pet's colour, species or both!

The Account Upgrades Shop has a 2 for 1 promotion on all DNA items.

With all the beautiful colours in the sky, Drew doesn't need any more colour! He will only ask for the colour white, which is default for every player. This means you can complete his quests without the Glowing Egg collection requirement.

Play a game of Colours during the rainbow and even if you lose a game, you will still be a winner! Win, draw or lose this game and you'll get MP2,500MP and a random colour Transformation for one of your pets.
Your pet will change to a random colour and/or species and then change back, possibly earning a new transformation for its collection. If you have the Pet Stats Giftbox in your collection, you can also select which pet will receive this transformation before you play!

The Leprechaun is busy chasing the rainbow. You'll have to wait until this rainbow leaves to complete his quests.

Whenever the rainbow appears, the retired Rainbow Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop.
It will automatically retire again when the rainbow leaves Marada.

The Contact Lenses, Eye Make Up, Face Make Up, Fake Costumes and Hair Dye Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items.

Complete a Farming quest and if you win a Ball of Yarn you will receive 2.

And finally, if your minipet can change colour, it will change colour when it rides the Fasoro Falls.
9th March 2025
19 days & 2 mins ago
Fashion Frenzy
These new Tattoos are on sale at various Shops around Marada

These new pattern Shirts are on sale at various Shops around Marada

A new 'Digital Downpour' Experience has been released. Can you find it?

There are ten new items that can stock at the Tattoo Shop

The Clothing Shop has new pattern Shirts that can stock. The Clothing Rack and Vending Machine also have new items you can win

The Time Machine has a new Fashion Frenzy promotion
Use the Time Machine between now and March 16th, 2025 and you can choose between the current prize list (that changes automatically every Saturday) or a special WARDROBE ONLY Prize List. Select the Wardrobe Prize List to win one of 713 retired doll items

8th March 2025
20 days, 9 hrs & 9 mins ago
7th March 2025
21 days, 7 hrs & 32 mins ago
The American Equilor, Eyru, Feliz, Figaro, Kaala, Limax, Oglue, Reese, Rofling, and Snookle have been revamped to match the new style of the American Costume

6th March 2025
22 days, 4 hrs & 16 mins ago
A new Swimsuit Treasure Chest is on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop

The Swimsuit Treasure Chest will automatically retire June 1st. The chest contains 36 retired Wardrobe Collection items from the 2015 Pool Party Event, 4 retired Glowing Eggs from the 2015 Undying Festival and 4 new items. Open each chest and you will win 8 random items from the Prize List. Remember, all Treasure Chests increase from £5 AU to £7 AU if they are released again in the future.

Can you find the new Fuzz Hidden Avatar?

A new 'Tropical Breeze' Experience has been released. Can you find it?

5th March 2025
23 days, 2 hrs & 23 mins ago
Our 24th Arcade Game has been released

Hackney the Feliz had one goal—to claim the Queen Bee’s gourmet honey, hidden high in a luxury beehive atop the tallest tree in Foxfire Forest. To get close without raising suspicion, he became a park ranger, giving him the perfect excuse to start chopping. With his axe swinging, Hackney is in a frenzy, dodging crashing branches as he hacks away at the massive trunk. One wrong move or a second too slow, and his dream of honey-covered glory would slip away...

Feliz Frenzy, our newest game, can be played up to 3 times per day for FREE. Game resets at 00:00MST. Earn 50MP per 1 Point. Earn up to the maximum of MP2,000MP each play. There are also 6 new Bonus Prizes you could randomly win each time you play.

Can you find the new 'Risky Move' and 'Chaotic Move' Experiences?

4th March 2025
24 days, 2 hrs & 37 mins ago
A warm weather front has brought cloud and Drizzle to Marada. Whenever this Weather Event occurs, the following happens...

All Breeze, Plant, Sad, Safari, Sewers and Scout coloured pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University

Whenever there is Drizzle in Marada, the retired Harmony Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop
It will automatically retire again when the weather changes

This weather has turned the Candyland Sugar Stack prizes into Gummy Sugar Cubes
During this weather event you have double the chance of winning a bonus prize and they are Gummy Sugar Cubes instead of the usual prize list

You are guaranteed to win a Bonus Prize when you send your third score of the day in our Arcade Games
This will work for any game that currently has Bonus Prizes that you can usually win at random

Completing a level on any Mission during this drizzle and you'll win a Bad Luck Spell

The Drizzle has made the ground a lot softer and easier to dig. Visit Archeology and you are guaranteed to win either a Key or Dukka Coin

Demand for Magazines and Newspapers has gone through the roof! Both of these shops have doubled their prices until the weather changes

Drizzle and these new Bobble Heads were enough to distract the Slater Stalker from her usual stalking. She has cleared her Shop of its usual items and these are now on sale for Stalker Points

The Drizzle is perfect for growing a Beanstalk! If you have a Magic Bean planted, your Beanstalk will grow twice as quick. Complete any mission level for the Beanstalk and you will Climb 2 Levels instead of one

Potatoes are growing so fast that the Guess the Weight competition resets every hour instead of every 3 hours

It is also great for Farming quests and the chances of winning a Ball of Yarn have doubled and Gardening is twice as fast as normal

Once per unique day on Marapets, if you purchase a Three Hundred Dukka Coin from the Account Upgrades Shop you will get 2 for 1
This benefit resets at midnight each day for the duration of the Drizzle Weather Event

The Trash Heap in the City Sewers doesn't smell as bad so you can spend more time here! Each visit will win a guaranteed item from the Prize List

The 'Work from Home' Experience is only avaliable during a Drizzle weather event. Can you find it?
The Costumes Boutique has the Breeze Costume on sale

There are currently 20 pets can wear the Breeze Costume

The Breeze Costume automatically stocks here whenever there is a Drizzle weather event and stays on sale until the weather changes. If another Account Upgrades Costume was due to stock here on a specific day during this weather event, it will stock instead for that day only and return to the Breeze Costume the following day.

3rd March 2025
25 days, 9 hrs & 10 mins ago
Happy Tasi Day
All Tasi pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today

All Tasi pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today

All Tasi pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today

The Tasi can now wear the Armoured, Candy, Eclipse, Gnome, Invisible, Mafia and Sponge Costumes
28th February 2025
28 days, 9 hrs & 10 mins ago
Happy Wallop Day
The Wallop is a Restricted species of pet and we've made some important changes to help better define what Limited Edition and Restricted actually means
Limited Edition pets are species that are rare and limited and cannot just be created directly. They are earned by using special items, like Enchanted Plushies or Potions, mostly from Missions and Account Upgrade Sets

Restricted pets are much rarer versions of our limited edition pets with more restrictions on how they can be earned. We will give you more information about Restricted Pets later this year but below is the updated availability for these restricted species:
Decadal – released in Account Upgrade Sets every 10 years (2014, 2024) and back in 2034
Wallop – released in Account Upgrade Sets every 5 years (first released 2020) and back this year
Daisy – released in Account Upgrade Sets every 4 years (2024, 2028, 2032)
Sybri – released in Account Upgrade Sets every 3 years (2025, 2028, 2031)
Straya – released in Account Upgrade Sets every 3 years (2026, 2029, 2032)
Raulf – released in Account Upgrade Sets every odd year (2025, 2027, 2029)
Vlad – released in Account Upgrade Sets every odd year (2025, 2027, 2029)
Willa – released in Account Upgrade Sets every even year (2024, 2026, 2028)
Vixen – released in Account Upgrade Sets every even year (2024, 2026, 2028)
Gobble – can be released in Account Upgrades only once a year, usually around our Thanksgiving event
Limax – can be released in Account Upgrade Sets only once a year
Zola – if you are really lucky the Capsule Machine will give you a Zola Potion or Enchanted Plushie
Echlin – complete all 50 levels of the Slate Pyramid
Hump – complete all 50 levels of the Kamilah Pyramid
Figaro – compete in the Olympics for 16,272 Olympic Points to buy from the Olympics Shop
Justin – complete Desert Spy quests for Spy Points to buy from the Desert Spy Shop
All Wallop pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym today

All Wallop pets will receive FREE LESSONS at the School and University today

All Wallop pets will receive TRIPLE STATS at the School, University, Elite Gym and Gym today

The Wallop can now wear the Alien, Armoured, Autumn, Balloon, Bee, Bootleg, Daylight, Dragon, Enpiah and Mad Scientist Costumes
26th February 2025
29 days, 21 hrs & 26 mins ago