Saving up for Blitzen.. AGAIN :( Please check out my shop or trades to help my quest! NFT: Capitola, Mareyes, Kealani, Vancouverite, Haziel, and Gaude Veteran-Maraplayer trying to get back into things!
Check out my cupcake gallery!
Always looking to add to my collection!
NEW GOAL: Turn Capitola into a Summer Decadal <3 Since you're reading this, go visit my shop or trades :)
As I just started playing Mara again recently, I‘ve decided to focus on some goals for next year to help with staying addicted and playing regularly!
Here are my goals for 2020:
Main Pet
[x] Change main pet’s name to Capitola (JAN 5, 2020)
[ ] Summer Costume for Capitola’s future permanent costume
Focus on Gourmet Food collection
[x] get the Missing Food GB
[ ] get 2,000 Gourmets
Focus on Wardrobe more!
[ ] maybe get to 2,000 wardrobe items
[x] get Wardrobe Selfie GB
[ ] get Missing Wardrobe GB
[ ] complete Private Dental Insurance Map
Keep growing my Cupcake collection
[ ] get a couple of the cupcakes off my wishlist / other expensive ones missing from my collection