Saving up for Blitzen.. AGAIN :( Please check out my shop or trades to help my quest! NFT: Capitola, Mareyes, Kealani, Vancouverite, Haziel, and Gaude Veteran-Maraplayer trying to get back into things!
Check out my cupcake gallery!
Always looking to add to my collection!
NEW GOAL: Turn Capitola into a Summer Decadal <3 Since you're reading this, go visit my shop or trades :)
Currently working on the Advent Tree Instructions...
Advent Tree Instructions 1, 3-9, 11-16
? - Volcano Treasure Map
09 Nov 19 - Volcano Treasure Map (for Minipet Island Goals)
The prizes are now in your Inventory
Burnt Balloon
Burnt Book
Burnt Costume
Burnt Gumball
Burnt Pizza
Burnt Pot
Burnt Snowball
Burnt Stamp
You have completed the Volcano Treasure Map