I don't in the usual way. I find parts of it interesting. :] To read about and laugh at, mwahahaa...
Oh yes, "the exact word of God" is passed around by Christians constantly. I think a lot of modern Christianity comes from community and what people hear. Nothing about what they read. If anyone bothered to read these days, they'd probably be shocked by "God's" acts. My dad likes to ask confront-y questions, and when he asks Christians about God's actions in the first testament, they say "Oh, just read the New Testament."
Because -points at self- : D
It is against the rules to discuss religion though, lol. 'cause no one is as calm as this xP
Well, well... That one wasn't.
For nothing. Possibly. I realized I might almost have enough to get a Rofling, and then a Rofling owner said she might trade with me (changed her mind). So I see great potential, but I'm also super demoralized at the same time.?
I tried the cheese and I went back ._.