Friends in reality.
15 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
24th Jun 2009 20:55I will not reveal their last names, just their first. These are my best pals in real life and a little bit about them.
Sean- He is awesome! I swear he's my five month older twin I never had. xD. He loves soccer, played basketball and scholastic bowl (I met him at a home match luckily). He's crazy about Twilight, Harry Potter, ARTEMIS FOWL (we both think this series kicks ultimate ass over anything and everything) , and Pendragon. Has a wicked mind for dares... And he talks a lot. Which is totally fine on my part. I'll make this short, I could type forever about this dude.
[EDIT] My best friend still and now my boyfriend. SEAN YOU ROCK.
[EDIT] For God's sake... Sean and I are over due to... MAJOR awkwardness as a couple. Easier to be besties. xD
Kody- This is my boyfriend. It's sad to say that I can't type as much about him as I can Sean. Heh. But, I love him more than anything and it's going on two years. God he's awesome; rocks my world.
Kody turned out to be an extreme jerk. >_> End of story.
[EDIT] As it seems, I appeared mad at Kody. WASN'T. xD, People just would have thought IF they knew the ENTIRE story that it would ward them off... -considers telling- Nah. Anyways, back together with Kody. -sigh-
Tyler- She is my all-time best girl friend. She is a basketball MANIAC, she, eh, isn't the best at doing her homework but that's why I'm a nerd! ^__^ Ty-Ty is A-mazing. Couldn't live without her. She makes school so interesting. =3 TNT, you keep your Kody and I'll keep mine! (It's a me and Ty thing)
Angelina- MY AMEN-SISTA! =D She rocks! And, I can never thank her for helping me through the hardest of times. <333333 YOU ARE AN AWESOME GIRL, SISTA. She's always willing to listen to me, and though I don't always... Hang out with the 'best' of crowds, I watch it around her because I know she doesn't like it. ;3 Angelina is one of my good, good friends from elementary. We've... Had our moments, but, nevertheless, we have a great friendship and I can't wait to spend high school with her!!!
Zack- Known him since second grade. Dude surpasses cool. He can talk up a storm, and sure as hell he can SPAM my Yahoo!. He's who I rely on to tell me about games because he reccommends totally awesome ones. Our favorite inside jokes: Stupid jerk, you didn't leave a message! And: -press phone buttons- Funions.
Terry- Ha ha, my dad almost backed over him after we left the Mexican restaurant. ^__^" And now my dad is convinced that since he is so "feminine" that he is g@y. Dad has issues. Anyways. Terry is cool. Met him at a scholastic bowl match, too. He's just special, I guess. Don't know him too thoroughly, but what I do know he's awesome.
Blake- Anonymous Blondeness. Couldn't live without him. xD. He is insane, but he's like a really tall albino brother I never had. And his birthday is five days before mine. ^__^ He makes plenty of things interesting. From throwing me out of my chair at lunch, threatening to kill me, and his own gunshot noises.
Garrett- WHY DID I NOT PUT HIM HIGHER UP HERE!?!?!?!?! Garrett is the brother I never had- he is so awesome. /Love him, love him, love him!/ He plays guitar and has always been there if I need someone to talk to. We've had our moments, good and bad. And... God, I don't even want to start, I won't stop. xD.
Chase- Okay, I've known him for... Only God knows how long. He's a football player, AMAZING singer (when he tries. -shakes head-) and he is very scared of my pinching. I accidentally broke skin on him once, and I didn't even try. O.o
Nick- ^__^. I wrestle with this dude. He's the school chorus's backstreet boy. xD. Did Thriller on stage during a concert with Chase. He's a good singer, I might add, and totally awesome. Despite our earlier... Conflicts.
Wyatt- Ah, can't forget Casper. xD. He's crazy awesome, and major thanks to him for letting me borrow books. ^^" He is a great singer, and I thank him for being super-supportive at my singing competition (stupid solos take a total on your nerves) and even helping me practice. We sing all the time together, particularly my solo (The Melody Within), The Road of Life, and At The Beginning.
I continuously add people. So... Yeah. This could get pretty long. And don't expect many girls. >__> I hang out with guys mainly because all the girls at my school are just stupid. =)