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Marapets is mobile friendly

Shops are where you can buy items with your different Currency. There are 3 different types of shop. There are shops in each world in Marada that may restock with new stock every five minutes, there are shops in each world that are always fully stocked with each item they currently sell and there are Player Shops. You can price items in Your Shop but you must first move items there from your Inventory or Attic.
Customer! Thaddeus, stand straight. Places everyone. Welcome to The Black Emporium . It's so rare to have company. Well, living company, at any rate. Some Dane fellow asked, "Why make a shop so hard to find?" I mean, really! He just has no concept. Few people are worthy of an invitation, you know. They search the sewers for the emporium and accost poor urchin. And I tell urchin to say, 'No! You are not worthy. Starve in the sewers!' Except urchin never speaks. The Templars sometimes come here, you know. The blood stains take just weeks to clean up. Poor Thaddeus. We had a visitor the other day. Turned out to be a Venatori! We fed him to the monster under the floorboards. He made a delightful crunching noise. Are they all like that?

If you add the Shop Pricer Giftbox to your collection, you will be able price all items in your shop automatically to the cheapest on the Shop Search - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect