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My online status is deceptive, as I don't usually log out of Marapets :b Candy_Hazelnoot.png
Candy Hazelnoot by FrigginJay
Call me Chris, Clumsy or Mari! p.png I'm a senior high school student who does art, reads and plays games as a hobby. Just got back to Marapets after a 2-year hiatus :b

Q: What's new about me?

A: Literally nothing, I still don't know what I'm doing. All I know is anxiety :b

I'm available to talk to via MM and MT, so hit me up if you wanna talk to me about something!

I won't accept friend requests if it's out of the blue, I only accept friend requests if we interacted and have good relations with each other :b

In my trades, I accept all currencies, Wishlist items (which is massive atm, so go wild XD) or any items that's similar in price range! If you offer, there's a good chance I'll accept it, but I'm also a bit picky sometimes :b Might be best to MM me first if you're not sure if I'll accept it or not ^^

MariFandomTrashBag (or just Mari, don't ask about the names I was a small teen back then XD) is my Main Pet while Entic is my Battle and Transformations Pet ^^

All my pets are NFT unless I stated!

Currently trying to collect Wardrobe Items and Glowing Eggs (if my Wishlist didn't hammer that already XD) atm!

No club invites, please! I'm already in a good club and I don't intend to leave anytime soon :b
Player for 7 years, 4 months & 17 daysJoined 24th Oct 2017 06:25

Get to Gold Level

Get all of the Treasure Maps

Collect all of the Giftboxes from the Giftbox Shop

Train Entic to 300+ stats
Player for 7 years, 4 months & 17 days Joined 24th Oct 2017 06:25

ClumsyMarionette has pets