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  1. Irrelevant Screaming!!
    19th Apr 2023 11:53
    1 year, 7 months & 17 days ago
  2. Names
    6th Apr 2023 07:25
    1 year, 7 months & 30 days ago
  3. Wanted Pets
    4th Apr 2023 09:56
    1 year, 8 months & 1 day ago
  4. A Test...
    26th Mar 2023 19:13
    1 year, 8 months & 9 days ago
Irrelevant Screaming!!
1 year, 7 months & 17 days ago
19th Apr 2023 11:53

Hi, I just wanted to make a blog for screaming about various things, because hype, so !!!!!


WHOOOOOOOOOOOO FIRST ENPIAH COSTUME OBTAINED!!! kbjndfhgkljdf I am so irrationally hype about this oh my gosh, a good thing to happen in the torrent of irl depression!!!

Bless that person who happened to want that random time machine dvd thing I got, that apparently cost 20 mill, and took it WITHIN MOMENTS of me offering it on their enpiah costume. gosh, I'm so happy.

I blew almost all my mp on the cheapest enchanted ike plushie I could find, and made a new pet which will become T H E T E N T A C L E B E I N G . fgjknhnnjk Since the enpiah ike looks vaguely like eldritch Xsaiav'lairnn, I had to name it Xsaia.

A thing to look forward to at the end of the month, when free training / school is over... Enpiah Ike and Underwater Nino!!!


1 year, 7 months & 30 days ago
6th Apr 2023 07:25

I suppose names are inevitably going to end up being of value on a site where all names are unique and cannot be duplicated. It's happened on nearly every pet site I've been on that had a similar mechanic. In this case, the urls don't even seem tied to the unique names, so it doesn't even really make sense for them to have to be unique in the first place, but I digress.

Basically, 'real word names' or 'real world proper names' don't hold any value to me here.

Even the pets I have now that I had adopted (currently, Armorie and Jerkie) that have names based on real words (but aren't without an s at the end) I plan on changing to something else probably more like a letter garble.

The names I have for most of my pets probably have no value to anyone else, but that's fine with me, since I'd never trade them anyway. c':

Xsaiavlairnn = one of my favorite OCs, and an active personal character of mine. Yes, their name looks like a keysmash, but it has its own meaning from the universe the character is from, where certain sounds and combinations of letters mean different things. ... They're also an eldritch entity of The Unknown, so it's not like their name is supposed to make sense anyway. c':

Severonn = another one of my OCs. The double n is on purpose for both of them, and not just something I'm sticking on because the name with a single n was taken. From the same universe as Xsaiavlairnn, the double n at the end of their names denotes the equivalent of being 'strong with magic'. A single n would mean that they are weaker, or mean something else instead, depending on the letters in front of it. So even though it might look odd, the weird double letter things are on purpose, in regards to my own nonsense. XD

Vaneth had this longer winded explanation that no one would probably care about, but they're basically also an OC.

TheOrb and TentacleEntity were because I had no idea what I wanted to call them. LAUGHS fdhjnkkjfndg TheOrb was for a progress completion thing, where you had to put a pet up for trade, but since I couldn't do that with my only pet at the time (Vaneth), I needed a second one. So I made TheOrb. They're now my portal pet; I can't wait until they end up no longer orb like, so their name stops making any sense. XD

TentacleEntity is because... I just... like tentacley things. I wanted one of the Ushundas. I didn't have any plans beyond that, thus their name was entirely because... tentacles.

And that's the explanation no one asked for. Cool

Basically, any pet I get that I want to keep, sooner or later, will likely have any real word name peeled off of it and replaced with Something Weird. ... which probably means I'll never have anything to trade, but also means if I get any RW pets, their names will go back into the wild! o/

Wanted Pets
1 year, 8 months & 1 day ago
4th Apr 2023 09:56

Before I even joined this site, I looked up the different pets on it to get an idea of what I'd like, and saw that I love the Zola, Limax, and Underwater Nino specifically... as well as every Enpiah Costume pet.

... and once I join, of course, I find they are all particularly hard as heck to get. c':

That said, I figured making a list for wanted pets might be easier than slapping every potion and enchanted plushie in my wishlist.
I'll edit this with more specifics later.

Wanted Pets in Descending Order (more or less.)
(will be crossed off once obtained, or numbers given if multi)

* Any / All Zolas (1!!)
* Any / All Limax
* All Enpiah Colored Pets
- Enpiah Ike Like
* Underwater Nino Like

* Most Mutant pets
- Ushunda
- Jessup
- Doyle
- All except: Decadal, Basil, Rusty, Zoink

* Most Nightmare pets
- Raulf
- Ike
- Any others I can manage to get, laughs

* Bug Sindi
* Fire Vixen
* Bug Straya
* Vampire Lorius + Raulf

* Several Dragon Pets
- Ercuw
- Arinya
- Raulf
- Gizmo

~And More Later~

A Test...
1 year, 8 months & 9 days ago
26th Mar 2023 19:13

Honestly, I'm curious if I can even edit what's in here. It'd be really useful to be able to do that, but if not... idk man.

Since I can't actually edit my profile yet, given I can't progress leveling yet (since it wants me to join the olympics and laughs, it won't be open for uhhhh 3 weeks. c': ) I'm kinda stuck with this for now.

Time for e x p e r i m e n t s .

Also, man, I hope this doesn't notify the one person who friended me, because I'm just messing around, if it did, I'm so sorry. c':

Edit: Wow I can edit! But holy crap, the font size and appearance is so ugly! Guess it's time to mess with the bbcode in attempts to fix that.

First, attempting to see if changing my chat settings will do anything.

Edit 2: It does not. Only forums I guess. So now let's see if there's any bbcode that will help.

Edit 3: Guess here's a list of what doesn't work:
- [sub][/sub]
- [ size ] (doesn't show up as tags like [sub], but also doesn't affect the font at all.)
- [font]
- [center]
- [list] [*]
- [indent]
- [hide]
- [rule]
- [sup][/sup]

Edit 4: wow, I found something that does work! Here's that list.
- [ s ] strikethrough
- [ b ] [ i ] bold italic (I sorta figured, but who knows, [center] didn't work...)
- enter button (sometimes you can't do this and need to use line break code for more than one row down, but not this time!)

Edit 5: WELL. Looks like I'm stuck with this mostly ugly font. The only bright side is that I can AT LEAST make any content not barge into my avatar thing on the upper right, which was honestly bothering the heck out of me, but I guess the ugly font and formatting is unavoidable. unu

Though now I know the capabilities of blogs insofar as text formating (I don't wanna bother with images right now) for whatever I might want to use this for in the future.

Since you, , bothered to read this for some reason, I'm so sorry. There is nothing of value here, unless you were also wondering if there was any formatting possible on these things. c':

The answer is Very Little. rip.

  1. Irrelevant Screaming!!
    19th Apr 2023 11:53
    1 year, 7 months & 17 days ago
  2. Names
    6th Apr 2023 07:25
    1 year, 7 months & 30 days ago
  3. Wanted Pets
    4th Apr 2023 09:56
    1 year, 8 months & 1 day ago
  4. A Test...
    26th Mar 2023 19:13
    1 year, 8 months & 9 days ago