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  1. MT Out of Context 2
    30th Nov 2020 18:28
    4 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  2. MT Out of Context
    15th Jun 2020 18:32
    4 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
  3. Mara 'Horror' Stories
    8th May 2020 19:04
    4 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  4. The Popper Games
    11th Feb 2020 15:14
    5 years & 9 days ago
  5. AK's Journal of the Fleeker Games
    11th Feb 2020 10:41
    5 years & 9 days ago
MT Out of Context 2
4 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
30th Nov 2020 18:28

I was going to keep adding snips to the old blog, but after the MaraTalk update, I just decided that I would make a second part in a new blog. So... enjoy, peeps.

DISCLAIMER: These are all snips of PUBLIC mt conversations, so there are no pictures of private messages.


























Mara 'Horror' Stories
4 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
8th May 2020 19:04

Just a goofy concept I came up with, so *most* of these stories probably won't be scary. XD Feel free to share your stories, whether real or made-up.

It's midnight, and you're very sleepy. You are running through all the dailies you forgot to do earlier. Later, you go onto your profile to view your pets one last time. To your shock, your zola has turned into a red xoi named "ivanhuflepluf". You faint.

A blank username keeps messaging you in MT without any actual text. They don't appear to have a user, they seem to have the "blank" avatar, their profile is empty, and their doll appears nonexistent. Annoyed, you try to block the user. This doesn't seem to work, as you keep getting the message " messaged you with maratalk". You ignore the messages. Suddenly, a new message appears. "_blank_ messaged you with maratalk" This time you click the notification. The entire site crashes. The only thing that is there is a white screen that occasionally flickers the text "_blank_". After closing out of the site, you decide that's enough mara. You hear a knock at the door, but you don't see anybody out the window. "Who is it?" you yell. Silence. You slowly open the door. Nothing. Finally, you give up and head to bed. You close your eyes. It feels really strange. You open them again, only to hear someone eerily whisper. "blank...blank...blank"

Friends tend to ask me if I truly believe in an alternate reality, and to tell the truth, I absolutely do. I was trying to get a certain hidden avatar on Marapets, which required me to search up my username in the search box. Once I looked up my name, I thought it was interesting that not one, but two names came up for my user. I clicked the one user, who's doll looked like mine except it's makeup seemed off. The profile looked extremely similar to mine, though I noticed it said I had been a user for over a year, even though I haven't even had my user for 8 months. The pets were all the same as mine, but with different names. Wondering if this was a glitch, I refreshed the page. Surely enough, the doppelganger profile disappeared.

You are trying to earn MP through quests. Finally, you complete 200 quests. You look at your MP. You have only made 100 more mp. You scream.

You accidentally donate a really expensive item to the pot of gold. You eventually find the person that grabbed the item, but they refuse to give it back and they use the item on their pet and break it. Rood.

One day, you're playing Marapets before going to sleep. You've nearly made it to 100 million mp, which is your goal for tonight. You hear beeping downstairs. After going down to investigate, you can't seem to find the source of the sound. You decide it must of came from outside. Finally, you decide to head back to bed after grabbing a bagel to eat in bed (don't worry I won't judge). Anyways, after grabbing your everything bagel, you head into bed. You get crumbs everywhere but that's OK since you're changing the bed tomorrow. After messily eating your bagel, to your horror, you see that your phone charger is broken and your phone is at 0% battery. You die from a heart attack. The end.

You may now applaud.

The Popper Games
5 years & 9 days ago
11th Feb 2020 15:14

This was an event I did earlier that was sort of like a hunger games simulation, but it was my own twist. And yes, it ended up being sort of goofy at times. XD Here are the days and nights of the event:

All the tributes meet on a large, stone circle in the middle of a forest. There are 12 bags of supplies in front of them. The tributes can either fight for supplies or run away into the forest
The horn is blown.

Day 1:

Christy tries to grab a bag of supplies but is trampled over by Famulus and Cosplay.

Panem runs into the forest with an arrow somebody dropped.

Cosplay injures Famulus and Geek with a knife. Geek get's angry and kills Cosplay with a trident.

Tongting runs into the forest with a bag of supplies and an arrow in her leg.

Austen trips over Christy and gets a concussion. Famulus stomps on her, thus killing her.

Tink and Custard run away, forming a truce.

StarDew gives up and dies.

Everybody else runs into the forest, with or without a bag of supplies.

Night 1:

Panem isn't sure what to do with her arrow, but she is proud of her victory.

Tongting is in a lot of pain, but takes the arrow out of their leg and takes care of their wounds.

Famulus eats some of their food because "they deserve it"

Tink and Custard talk about life in general and hope they don't kill each other.

Kolae kills plaidgirl with a knife, not realizing she was in the same district as her.

VelvetStar cries because she dropped her bag of supplies.

Lovelovexx looks at flowers and rocks because she refuses to fight.

Figs nervously protects herself with a sharp rock she found.

LiBye was the one that shot all of the arrows out of fear. She cries in an abandoned building she found.

Everyone else has found shelter in a building or under a tree to sleep for the night.

Day 2:

Panem finds tongting limping. Tongting throws their arrow but misses. Panem stabs tongting.

Famulus stabs TeaKitty and VelvetStar.

Tink and Custard find Lovelovexx and become good friends.

Kolae juggles knives near a river and nearly drops their knives into the river.

Figs avoids everybody.

LiBye receives clean water from a sponsor.

Bammargera1fan is chased by Chaser, whom soon gives up.

Megan nearly comes across Kolae near the river, but is distracted by some weirdly arranged rocks, and runs away thinking it could be a trap.

The other tributes are either in a shelter or alone defending themselves from whatever may come.

Night 2:

Panem goes into a fancy looking building and the doors shut on her.

Famulus cleans off his knives in the river.

Tink, Custard, and Lovelovexx sing a little song together before going to sleep under a tree.

Kolae finds Figs and stabs them to death while chewing bubblegum.

LiBye gets sick and nearly throws up in the water her sponsor gave to her.

ZyuohtheWorld is really confused and falls into a pit. He breaks his neck.

Chaser can't fall asleep, so he looks for something to do.

Everyone else is asleep.

Day 3:

Panem explores the fancy building. It is mostly empty except for a sink and bathtub upstairs. Panem is stuck here unless she wants to jump out the open window and fall 20 feet.

Famulus stabs Tink, but Custard and Lovelovexx beat Famulus to death for hurting their friend. Tink survives.

Kolae sees Famulus getting beat up, but doesn't really care.

Chaser pretends to be nice to LiBye only to steal her supplies. LiBye cries.

Ceciliabenitez finds LiBye crying and feels sorry for her, so the two hang out for the rest of the day.

Kittyinz falls asleep from exhaustion.

Bammargera1fan looks up into the sky and sees supplies parachuting down. The supplies parachute breaks and the box of supplies hits Bammargera in the head.

Megan kills Bammargera1fan to put her out of her suffering and for supplies.

Night 3:

Panem tries to break down the door with her arrow. The door is unbreakable.

Lovelovexx starts a rock collection.

Tink and Custard are getting worried about how long their friendship will last.

Chaser has more supplies than what she knows what to do with, so she falls asleep happily.

Kolae cuts their hair.

Ceciliabenitez falls asleep next to LiBye.

Kittyinz comes across Kolae and get's stabbed, but not before kicking Kolae in the eye.

Megan wisely stays away from Kolae and seeks rest somewhere else.

Day 4:

Megan receives even more supplies from a sponsor. She assures herself of victory.

Out of frustration, Tink kicks Lovelovexx's rock collection. Lovelovexx cries.

Custard sees Panem in the building. She promises to catch Panem if she jumps, but Custard misses and Panem falls onto some t shrub and dies.

Kolae finds Chaser eating like a queen and kills her.

ceciliabenitez and LiBye run away from Kolae.

Night 4:

Kolae finds Megan with all of her supplies and immediately charges her with knives. Megan stabs Kolae with her trident.

Tink accuses Custard of running away from them. Tink nearly stabs Custard in her sleep but decides against it.

Lovelovexx runs away from Tink frightened and steals Tink's supplies.

Ceciliabenitez dances in the moonlight until LiBye convinces her to get out of the open.

Event: Day 5

Feast of Luxury and War

Tributes must decide if they want to enter the large, 1 floor building. There will be some delicious food up for grab, and there will also be some excellent weapons. Most likely, tributes will have to fight for the supplies.

Day 5:

Tink approaches the seemingly empty building, but LiBye shoots Tink with her last arrow.

Ceciliabenitez and LiBye grab all of the food and weapons while nobody else is in the building. They make away like bandits.

Custard wonders where Tink went.

Megan decides not to go into the building.

Lovelovexx arranges her rocks from biggest to smallest.

Night 5:

Custard realizes Tink and Lovelovexx might be gone for good and she cries herself to sleep.

Lovelovexx eats one of the rocks in her sleep and nearly chokes to death.

ceciliabenitez starts to do fortnite dances, and LiBye starts to wonder how much she really wants to keep her alive.

Megan falls asleep with her trident in her hand.

Day 6:

Megan goes off to find the other tributes.

LiBye finds Lovelovexx humming while playing with rocks and she can't make herself kill her.

Custard goes off to find remaining tributes.

Ceciliabenitez get's stabbed by Megan. LiBye tries to attack Megan but Megan overpowers her and she falls down a cliff.

Custard finds Megan and runs away.

Night 6:

Lovelovexx finds Custard.

Megan charges Custard and and stabs her, but not before Lovelovexx smashes her nose with a rock. Custard silently passes away.

Lovelovexx proceeds to beat Megan up with fistfuls of rocks. Megan dies.

Congrats to Lovelovexx for winning The Popper Games, and congrats to Custard and Megan for being such noble warriors.

AK's Journal of the Fleeker Games
5 years & 9 days ago
11th Feb 2020 10:41

This is based on what I imagine to happen to my tribute each day, so I will keep adding more as the event goes on. I will often refer to the tribute as "AK" (cause it's shorter obviously, lol)

Day 1: All 24 of the tributes arrive at the center of the cornucopia. AKPOP1010 looked around to see if she recognized anybody. She glanced to her right and noticed Panem, the other tribute of district 11. AK wasn't a fighter, and deep down she knew she was too frightened to fight for supplies in the bloodbath that was going to occur on the little island. Instead, she was going to swim to safety and reach the arena.

Before AK knew what was going on, she saw several tributes running for the supplies in the bags. This was it. She jumped into the cold water and swam far away from cries of agony that came from the other tributes. AK closed her eyes and pretended she couldn't hear or think about anything that was going on around her.

The tribute used all of her strength to get to safety. Her mind started to wonder, and she wondered if Panem was alright and if she was swimming to safety with her.

Finally, land was in sight. AK sighed with relief. She thought it was over for now. When she reached land, she took several gasps of air and nearly laughed at her victory.

Her attitude changed when she noticed about twenty feet away from her in the water was a tribute with muddy hair and pale skin holding down another tribute's head under water. AK couldn't forget the face of absolute fury and determination, as if she was angry at the other tribute simply for living. Finally, she let go. AK had seen enough. She ran far away from the scene with her eyes full of tears.

AK collapsed on the ground exhausted. She felt so weak and powerless. She noticed something laying down on the ground, not even thirty feet ahead of her. AK's curiosity got the best of her. Was it it a tribute? Perhaps she could make friends with the seemingly exhausted tribute. She walked cautiously over to the figure.

It WAS a tribute. She was wearing a gold and black wet suit and she was closing her eyes. AK hoped that perhaps she was just resting, but upon closer inspection, she realized that the tribute had passed. AK looked for any sign of injury, but it appeared that the tribute had died from some other cause, possibly sheer exhaustion. Instead of running away, AK took a few minutes to gather some wild flowers for the fallen tribute. Silently, she placed the flowers in the tributes hand on her chest.

In the distance, AK heard five cannon shots fired. Day 1 was over. With that, she left the fallen tribute and walked away with tear filled eyes and a longing heart that went out to all five of the fallen tributes. This was going to be a lot more difficult than she could even imagine.

Day 2: The surviving tributes were forced to either camouflage in their surroundings or fight against other tributes ruthlessly. Again, AKPOP knew she wasn't a fighter and would do a lousy job of fighting. She decided to try camouflaging with the trees and climb high up, away from the chaos.

AK put on a brown tank top and old ripped jeans over her green swimsuit. The tribute then put on a large, slightly over sized camouflage jacket. She tied a green scarf around her neck and with determination she muttered underneath her breath, "I am going to survive this day if it's the last thing I do".

With that, she went on her way to find a tree that she found suitable enough to climb.

While on her journey, AK noticed something from the corner of her eye. She spun to her left and saw what looked to be Panem in a black hood entering a cave. Excited, AK was about to say something to her fellow tribute from District 11 when suddenly, a sword appeared from the darkness of the cave and sliced the dark hooded figure.

Mortified, AK hid behind a tree in panic.

She heard two female voices echo from the cave.

"Is she dead?"

"Sh! Yes, she's dead. Be careful, she could of been with someone."

"I don't see anybody."

"Good, let's bring her inside, it looks like she might have some supplies."

AK couldn't see the tributes, but she could hear Panem getting dragged across grass, then across the rocky ground in the cave.

AK was absolutely furious. The attackers seemed to have no respect for the dead whatsoever. With angry tears stinging her eyes, she climbed up the tree she was hiding behind. Splinters of wood got in her hands, but she couldn't care less. Nearly blinded by her tears, AK reached the top of tree.

The tired tribute just sighed and turned her head to face the sky. "My family misses me," she said softly. AK hung her head in dismay. With Panem deceased, AK was the only one left to defend her district.

Once AK stopped talking to herself and actually listened to her surroundings, she could hear a faint buzzing sound that sounded like it was coming from her right, several feet away from her.

AK considered the noise. "Tracker jackers," she muttered. "I should be safe if I go around them.."

AK noticed movement below her. She looked down and her heart skipped a beat. A tribute was climbing up the tree with a sword in hand and Panem's hood over her head.

It was the tribute that killed Panem.

Fearfully, AK quickly started climbing down the tree. Another tribute was approaching from out of the cave. Frantic, AK couldn't see the tribute well, but she noticed the tribute had a hatchet in her hand.

When AK took one more step down, she realized she had messed up big time. Her foot was on the tracker jacker nest. She screamed in agony as she felt sharp pain go through her pant legs. AK could feel her leg slip from the tree branch and her body fall nearly twenty feet through the air.

With a bone breaking "THUD", AK landed on the ground in a twisted position. Even with her vision blurred, she could see both tributes slowly approach her. With her final breath, she said in a low voice "It's over now."

  1. MT Out of Context 2
    30th Nov 2020 18:28
    4 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
  2. MT Out of Context
    15th Jun 2020 18:32
    4 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
  3. Mara 'Horror' Stories
    8th May 2020 19:04
    4 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
  4. The Popper Games
    11th Feb 2020 15:14
    5 years & 9 days ago
  5. AK's Journal of the Fleeker Games
    11th Feb 2020 10:41
    5 years & 9 days ago