Happy bday to me :)
3 years, 6 months & 8 days ago

19th Sep 2021 23:19

heres hoping for a good year, and a fun mara year ???
3 years, 9 months & 11 days ago

18th Jun 2021 05:54
On a stalker quest I was asked to have a London 2012 avatar and
"You have been a member for 4 years, 7 mos, 7 days"
I didn't even go hereee
Rusty! <3
6 years, 8 months & 17 days ago

13th Jul 2018 12:03
after many failed attempts at the Dump, and never finding anyone selling a potion, and after finding sellers but no way to actually buy...
I FINALLY HAVE MY RUSTY! i honestly can\'t believe it, but between a very sweet friend helping, and saving up otherwise and selling a lot, i was eventually able to accumulate enough. and thank you to that person that accepted my offer, i wasn\'t sure they would <3
i just wanted to send a positive blog entry out into the world, since i\'ve sent several negative as of late.
onto the next; Chibs <3