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Hey there! Feel free to ask questions. I’m happy to lend my pets!! My character basically looks like me. Chicago weirdo. Pisces. Artist. Beaded jewelry maker. Writer. Adventurist. Lover of Firefly/Serenity and most nerdy stuff. Been on Mara since September of 2011.

Color- Blue (Cobalt)
Beverage- Tea for sure! All day, any day. Except for spiced tea like cinnamon or chai.
Movie- Serenity... along with any Marvel movie
Music- Indie. My current favorite artists are: Twenty One Pilots, Alexander Rybak, KINO/Viktor Tsoi (former Soviet band), Shinedown, Tuvaband, Alaa Wardi, Cairokee, and Alec Benjamin
  1. Me
    17th May 2020 09:35
    4 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  2. My Pets <3
    16th Apr 2019 07:47
    5 years, 11 months & 9 days ago

My Pets <3
5 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
16th Apr 2019 07:47

*Almaraana Al-ma-ran-ah (Alma) will always be a female Chibs
(Barca) will always be a female Doyle
*Bartillia Bar-till-e-ah (Barta) will always be a female Addow
*Bonnalita Bon-ah-leet-ah (Bon) will either be a female Sindi or Lati
*Cebon Sebb-on (Ceb) will either be a male Azul or Feliz
*Escarto Ess-car-toe (Carto) will either be a male Renant or Figaro
*Exzyron Ex-zigh-ron (Zy) will either be a male Speiro or Crindol
*Fehlizza Fehh-lee-zah (Lizza) will always be a female Fasoro
*Madraabaaren Mad-rah-bare-in (Madra) will always be a male Murfin
*Mathallia Math-ah-lee-ah (Math) will always be a female Osafo
*Renzeldon Ren-zell-done (Renzo) will either be a male Gizmo, Rofling, or Jessup
*Xaabaar Ex-ah-bar (Exi) will always be a male Newth
*Xorianthon Zo-re-an-thon (Zori) will always be a male Xoi

  1. Me
    17th May 2020 09:35
    4 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  2. My Pets <3
    16th Apr 2019 07:47
    5 years, 11 months & 9 days ago