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  1. Black (Poem)
    27th Apr 2011 13:27
    13 years, 10 months & 14 days ago
  2. Marapets 30-day Challenge?
    26th Apr 2011 14:10
    13 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  3. Who likes this picture?
    25th Feb 2011 14:17
    14 years & 16 days ago
  4. Anime's i have watched.
    13th Feb 2011 06:39
    14 years & 28 days ago
  5. The Gifted Orphans.
    6th Feb 2011 06:57
    14 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  6. Come on down To my new blog!
    16th Jan 2011 11:15
    14 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
Black (Poem)
13 years, 10 months & 14 days ago
27th Apr 2011 13:27

I quickly whipped this up when i read ParamoreLover13's poems in her blog (check them out!) Feedback is always welcome...
-drum roll-

Welcome to {%USERNAME%]'s poem performance. Here it is! What you have been waiting for!...


Black is an eclipse,
Covering the sky,
Losing happiness,
From those walking by.

Black widow spiders,
Scattered on the floor,
Waiting for a knock,
Coming from the door.

Opening the door,
Awaiting your fate.
Noticing poison,
Sitting on a plate.

The absence of light,
Is what i call black.
Not seeing ahead,
Trapped in a small sack.

Death is black,
A reminder of,
Our Mortality,
Black is also love.

Black is elegance,
Beauty to the eye.
Black is forever black.
A time where all, must die.

Well... What do you think?! Please comment and all feedback(including criticism) is allowwed.

This was made on the spot, i have no evidence but it was extremely hard. This is no relation to anyone i know, not even myself as i am a very fiery and action-packed person.

Thank you and goodnight.

Marapets 30-day Challenge?
13 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
26th Apr 2011 14:10

Write about your Marapets Best friend.

I have two of them...

She is kind and very loyal. She is a roleplayer and she has great ideas. She always replies, even when she can't really be online. She does try hard and I think that is one of her thousand(s) good points...

I absolutely love her name. So cool! Treacle-ice? Awesome...anyway.. She is also a roleplayer and she has great plots for roleplays. She is really fun to talk to and I can relate to her. We have similar interests too!

Is this okay? I saw other people do it and got bored...

Who likes this picture?
14 years & 16 days ago
25th Feb 2011 14:17

Well my sister drew this for her Ouran roleplay that she did with her friend....I love that character so much i use it....Who likes it? Btw this was a few years back....she does immense stuff now in like 5 minutes?(Not to measure). Well please comment!!!

[center]DO NOT STEAL!!!!!![/center]

Anime's i have watched.
14 years & 28 days ago
13th Feb 2011 06:39

Yep.... As the title states this is a list of Anime's i have watched. May i just warn you that some of them i will mock. This isn't a list of all the ones i like.
One piece: -Drools- LOVE IT
Ouran:Loved it
Chobits: WTF?!
Baccano: Amazing!
Durarara: Cool!
DNAngel: Eh... Was good at it's time
Black Cat: Amazing!
Pokemon: WTF?
Dinosaur King: WTF?
Naruto: Someone please hand me a barf bag! WTF KIND OF SHOW IS IT?!
Yugi-yo: Eh... Was good at it's time
Full Metal Alchemist (brotherhood too): Emotional... It was Amazing... >So

Please comment back and do the same thing.
Thanks for reading.

The Gifted Orphans.
14 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
6th Feb 2011 06:57

I wrote this story.Definitly not finished and has to be edited.Hope you enjoy.I will update the story now and then when i get to so keep track. My insperation was all the gifted roleplay's there are and i felt like writing a story about it. Right now i am super happy about it because it really motivates me....And i know it's a lot but please...If you want me to shorten it i will just comment. i would really appreciate it...O-O?

The Gifted Orphans

The twins stared up at the ceiling, kicking their legs back and forth, not paying attention to the arrogant teacher. They despised him. He always forced the students to believe anything they were told. He explained that if they were not to trust him, or believe anything they were taught by him, then their fate in school would be nothing more than a mere nightmare. ???YOU two again?!???The teacher growled. The twins looked at him and frowned. Tsuki slammed the table and stood up ???Sir! How about you sit in our seats and lets us teach you! We???d probably learn more!???Tsuki rebelled against the lowly teacher. Kaoru jumped up from his chair and sat on the table with his legs crossed. ???Sir? Actually, I???m sorry. Skipper? Give us kids some slack! All you do is bend our backs and jump on it! Who died and made you guys QUEEN?!???Kaoru explained. ???Right you to! Get to the principles office NOW! And Kaoru! If you ever use my other name ever again!..Expect a punishment that even the devil would be afraid of!???Skipper threatened. The twins laughed ???Whoopdeedoo!...Is that all?!??? They marched over towards the door. They turned their attention at the other students. Their faces were caked in discontent. As the twins trodded out of the room, they whispered??? We???ve gotta help these guys out! And I think I know how...???.
Welcome TsukiSan12 To my update on 'The Gifted Orphans'...Here it is! What you have been waiting for!:
The twins stood outside the principal???s office, whispering to each other on how to get revenge on the teachers. ???I have a great idea! But the thing is we???re gonna have to get them to send us to our rooms... but how?!???Kaoru explained. ???Leave that to me...???Tsuki grinned sinisterly. ???The receptionist said that Allen???s out right? Do me a favour and distract the receptionist... and anybody nearby...I am going in...???She muttered under her breath as it was whisped away by the uncanny and solitaire wind. Kaoru scaled across the corridor, towards the reception, which wasn???t too far away from the head???s office. Kaoru thought of a quick plan of his distraction in his mind, before playing it for real. ???Ma???am! I swear there was a kid flailing around in the auditorium!???Kaoru muttered quickly. ???A kid besides you? I think it might be crazy day! Beat it kid!??? The receptionist wailed.
???But ma???am! I DO NOT believe you are correct! For in fact I had nothing to do with it! Eugene parsnip is trying to terrorise the auditorium! How many more times must I tell you! I AM NOT LYING!???Kaoru began to shout and pressurise the receptionist. Her face dropped at the attitude this boy was giving her, when it was actually what she was doing before. His plan of ???wing???in it??? was all he could think of, he didn???t have enough time to really think it through, but his plan began to collapse, as he thought it most probably would. ???Perhaps the woman checks on the auditorium to find Eugene, was not on the premises at all? Then I???ll be done for!??? Kaoru worried inside of his head. He prayed that Eugene was inside of the auditorium. He waited while the receptionist took her time getting off her seat. She looked at Kaoru and scowled. Kaoru was just waiting for her to growl at him. He just stood there. The receptionist, strided down the aisle. Kaoru peered at the principle???s door. He began to walk closer towards it.

  1. Black (Poem)
    27th Apr 2011 13:27
    13 years, 10 months & 14 days ago
  2. Marapets 30-day Challenge?
    26th Apr 2011 14:10
    13 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
  3. Who likes this picture?
    25th Feb 2011 14:17
    14 years & 16 days ago
  4. Anime's i have watched.
    13th Feb 2011 06:39
    14 years & 28 days ago
  5. The Gifted Orphans.
    6th Feb 2011 06:57
    14 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  6. Come on down To my new blog!
    16th Jan 2011 11:15
    14 years, 1 month & 25 days ago