15 years, 8 months & 26 days ago

14th Jun 2009 01:31
My name is Ollie,
I am a dog.
Once i was loved,
Once free,
once happy.
I remembered the day when Molly hunter opened that box,
the Joyus suprise on a 10 year old girls face,
A treasure to be kept in my mind.
As she grew older she left me alone more,
2 years later she was 12 and on the Phone to her new boyfriend,
i kissed her legs, i was only doing it to show affection,
then she kicked me,
i flew and landed in a cornor and i cried there,
I wondered the next day if she would have done that to me if she knew she was never going to see me again,?
The night that she kicked me
she went out with her boyfriend,
he had just bought a car and took her for a spin!
The police say he was drink driving that made the car crash but all i know is that that old 1910 now wreck of a mercediez-benz is what bought my beloved Molly to her death.
When Molly's Father heard the news he went out and then came home a wreck,
even as a small puppy i could smell the vodka on his breath,
He picked me up and then kicked me like a football,
I hit a chair and broke my back,
but before i could even whimper i was tied up in a plastic bag and thrown in the trash,
Maybey if i had been a beter puppy,
if i had past obediance school i wouldnt have heard my last few words as a 12 year old girl scream and call for her mum and then hear a vet saying "theres nothing we can do we could have.............."
but before i heard him finish i saw blackness but then light i was running on rainbow bridge, the bridge to animal heaven but then
i heared a familiar voice,
the voice of my one and only beloved Molly!
I run the other way into her arms as i see the joy on her face as i saw on her 10th birthday!
she Might be dead on earth but she will always live with me,
my little molly.
even if her father brought me to my horrific death i am happier than anywhere ever!
I am Ollie Hunter
i am a dog and
i am yet again
i am yet again
But mostly i am yet again,
I have created this short story myself (lalatata)
and although it is gut-wrenchingly sad,
like all stories,
It has a happy ending,
And i sciencerly hope that you or any of you friends and family will NEVER do something as murderes as this!