7 years, 11 months & 1 day ago

23rd Apr 2017 12:54
Regular Plushie Machine:
Enchanted Musical Feliz Plushie
Enchanted Black Kaala Plushie
Enchanted Plushie Machine
- Handmade White Bunny Plushie
You move the claw down...
Enchanted Gold Vixen Plushie is now in your Inventory
You move the claw down...
Enchanted Blue Straya Plushie is now in your Items
You insert 250MP and move the claw to the left...
Enchanted Lilac Chibs Plushie is now in your Items
Later in the same week...
You move the claw down...
Enchanted Maroon Willa Plushie is now in your Items
You insert 250MP and move the claw down...
Enchanted Navy Snookle Plushie is now in your Items
Foxfire Pond
1 AU credit
Auryona fed Favolos Orange Gummy Chibs
Favolos also ate Auryona and spat them out..
Auryona changed into a Grey Viotto
Poison Pit
Negative Skin
Tiger Skin
Tuxedo Cat Skin
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £5 Account Upgrade Credit!!! (April 2017)
You just found the Dukka Dash Jackpot of 672,269MP (May 1/17)
ladyspaghetti won 107,608BP on 5th May 2017 22:09
ladyspaghetti just won Magic Breeze Bean (May 7/17)
Congratulations! celticlassie just knocked over the Sugar Stack. As you were the player who added the last Sugar Cube you have won the jackpot of 463,190MP. (Jul 18/17)
Game Over
You won Two Hundred Dukka Coin (Aug 5/17)
You won the 33,280RP Jackpot (Aug 10/17)
You opened Dukka Treasure Chest and found a Two Hundred Dukka Coin (Sept 25/17)
Congratulations! You are a winner in last month's Monthly Checklist!! You have won £15 Account Upgrade Credit!!! (Oct 1/17)
You just walked into a Pirate! 'Yarrrrr! Here's a Thirty Dukka Coin for you matey!' (Oct 1/17)
'Thank you for buying Digital Costume for 15,546MP'
You have earned 19RP from this purchase
You have used the Plushie Machines 8,876 times
You move the claw down...
You picked up Enchanted Fancy Dakota Plushie
Oxygenation went for a swim in the Whirlpool...
Oxygenation changed to Pastel Basil
You have fed Nicky the Mental Knutt Peanuts
You have been rewarded with:
Mental Costume
Apr 14/19
Congratulations! You guessed correctly - there were 134,143 Coins!
You won 1,000,000MP
Game Over
You won One Hundred Dukka Coin
WOW! That was amazing!! I'm impressed!
You can play Test Your Strength every 3 hours
Congratulations! You guessed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 3 winners of a Time Machine Token.
You can work again in 3 hours
Congratulations! You won a Full House at Bingo and won 3,350,062MP.
You guessed correctly! The potato weighed 88KG
White Potato and MP50,000MP
Game Over
Two Hundred Dukka Coin is now in your Inventory
Thank you for buying Baby Snookle Potion for MP88,964MP
Oxygenation changed to Floral Decadal... but then changed back!
Splat! This fell out of Pipe 7 just before you blocked it
Orange Fertiliser is now in your Items
White Quell Potion
Thank you for buying White Quell Potion for 750 Dukka Coins
Thank you for buying Navy Limax Potion for MP89,911MP
Thank you for buying Eleka Mordo Potion for MP63,454MP
Mathilda asked the Genie to grant them a wish
Essence of Figaro is now in your Items
Oxygenation gained 10 Strength Stats
Mathilda asked the Genie to grant them a wish
Essence of Eyru is now in your Items
Oxygenation asked the Genie to grant them a wish
Essence of Chibs is now in your Items
Oxygenation asked the Genie to grant them a wish
Essence of Gizmo is now in your Items
Lottery has been drawn for this week. ladyspaghetti is the winner of the 16,378,000MP Jackpot. Congratulations