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15:26:06 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
Trades: Swapping gf items for missing food for emo_bitter or wishlist items. All trades are negotiable. Send a mm if interested
Staff: I login from several devices including a phone, PC, and Laptop.
240/245 Gumballs
205/207 Costumes
Gallery started: 10/30/14

tumblr_p8nbyyvqlt1vqpm9so1_400.png nvedrm.jpg
  1. Suggestions for Mara
    8th Nov 2014 19:21
    10 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
Suggestions for Mara
10 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
8th Nov 2014 19:21

I've been thinking about items and such that would be nice on Mara.

Zombie Gumball
How cool would that be? There's already a Zombie Dress, Wig, and Costume. Why not add a gumball?

Cherry Gumball
There's already an apple one. Imagine how cute a little red gumball with a stem would be!

More Pet Themed Gumballs
The only pet gumball we have right now is a Chibi Gumball.

Mardi Gras items
I'm a Southern girl! Mardi Gras is definitely one of my favorite holidays. Maybe an account upgrade would be cool.

British Gumball
There's an American, Chinese, and Australian one, Britain needs one too!

Cheetah and/or Zebra Gumball.
They make really nice patterns on clothes. I'm sure they'll look just as good on gumballs!

I'll probably come back and jot more things down if they come to me.

  1. Suggestions for Mara
    8th Nov 2014 19:21
    10 years, 4 months & 21 days ago