You choose...
16 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
30th Dec 2007 15:00 I could be your best friend,
i could be your worst enemy.
You paint life, the mistakes
you make, can define you from
who you could have been,
you can rub them of your
practice or your first
sketch, but they still
stay, ghostly, pale
lines that were never
meant to be, You could
be whoever you want,
you have to choose
the right path, fame is
different from popularity,
such is friends different
from enemies, you can be the
world to one but less of a
thing to another. Choice is
not always right, knowing your right from wrong is choice,
to learn, to ignore to remember
to forget, to live, to die, to kill, to save, to be a happy, miserable, sad, confused, frightened, naughty, nice,
good, bad person. You are
who you choose to be.