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  1. This happened to moongyal itz soo sad
    8th Mar 2008 13:18
    16 years, 11 months & 16 days ago
This happened to moongyal itz soo sad
16 years, 11 months & 16 days ago
8th Mar 2008 13:18

i was sleeping over at her house.
her dad is a drunk and he abuses her.
he beating her and punched him in the balls
he got up and smiled and evil one
he told me i was going to be punished
i ran for the door and tried to get myself and my friend out
he grabbed our legs and threw us at the wall
i screamed and cried like a 3 year old
he slapped us to stop crying
then he grabed me he took me in his room then locked the door. took off my clothes and his and then he rapped me. I cried and said stop but he wouldnt then he did the same to my friend. i called 911 but he slapped me so hard i dropped the phone, the police came and took that evil man. The last thing that i remeber him saying was he would kill one day. 2 weeks later my friend died. he threw against the wall so hard it fractured her skull and brain.

This is a true story. post this on your blog if u care.. child abuse is bad.

  1. This happened to moongyal itz soo sad
    8th Mar 2008 13:18
    16 years, 11 months & 16 days ago