15 years, 9 months & 2 days ago

8th Jun 2009 11:47
As seeing as Sandy already knows, there is no harm in me posting it here...damage already done XD
Alchemistry - Mad Scientist Basil
Conjured - Wizard Ercuw
*Like a wizard conjures spells or concoctions. Has connotations of magic.
Downpours - Yet to be decided
Excavated - Explorer Tasi
*Explorers often participate in archaeological digs where ancient valuables are excavated.
Forebode - Gothic Sindi
*Gothic Sindi was my dream pet when I first joined. The name just seemed to suit the type of pet! Something foreboding is something dark and mysterious, which are 2 of the qualities a Gothic Sindi has! XD
Hibernates - Sleepy Kujo
Hibernation is a form of deep sleep, as the type of pet suggests, this Kujo is sleeping and is thus in a form of mild hibernation!
Investigations - Detective Mordo
*A detective investigates crimes and often participates in multiple investigations. The name therefore represents the job and pasttime of a detective.
Larcener - Prison Hump
The term larcener refers to someone who is in trouble with the law. The prison costume clearly denotes that the pet is the wrong side of the law.
Oracles - Chinese Figaro
An oracle is someone of all-seeing, higher wisdom. The chinese figaro appears as though it is seeing into the unknown and therefore the two will combine.
Pyrotechnical - Firework Vixen
A pyrotechnic is another name for a firework; a pyrotechnics demonstration is a firwork show! So, the name and the costume fit perfectly together
RoxxieStar - Starry Viotto
*Not the best name, but it has a meaning to me.
Strayed - Hobo Chibs
*A hobo is someone who does not have a home. A stray cat does not have a home to return to of an evening and therefore the name strayed represents something unwanted and left to fend for itself, how a homeless person is sadly viewed in the eyes of many!
Transcended - Angel Quell
*As an angel is perceived to transcend from heaven. The word transcend has images of beauty and grace similar to that of an Angel Quell =D
Visionaries - Fire Fairy Rofling
Something visionary is something beautiful. The fire fairy rofling is something spectacular looking and therefore is perfect for the name.
Wyoming - Cowboy Yuni
*Named after the state of Wyoming which is home to many cowboys and ranch hands who lead difficult and hard lives in the rough, harsh terrain of Wyoming.
Zosima - Love Lati
*Zosima was a gift from a very good friend who was quitting marapets! It was a lovely, unexpected gift...though for a very sad reason!