Goal lending
12 years, 7 months & 25 days ago

16th Jul 2012 15:17
If I have a pet you need to borrow for pet goals and you see me online, feel free to ask.
Same with avvies on any of my pets or if one has a learnie you need for missions.
DO NOT remove ANYTHING at anytime from my pets. In the case of minipet avatars that can ruin it for EVERYONE ELSE!!
Also, if you keep the pet for anything longer than an hour, I will report you. So if your internet is dodgey you may want to borrow from someone else.
My fees are cheap, just pay the transfer fees to and from and all is good. Tips if any, are all at your discretion.
To borrow, just message with this form filled out stating your username, the pet, and why:
I , would like to borrow __________ for ________. I promise to return this pet unchanged within the hour after it was sent to me.
13 years, 7 months & 2 days ago

9th Aug 2011 20:42
Have you gone over onto the pet forums asking about your non-LE pet and been informed that they are utterly worthless? Maybe
tired of trying to trade this non-LE and being repeatedly informed of your pets worth?
Well that's easy to fix. Actually it's
really easy to fix.
Stats and learnies. Stats are currently easier to trade than learnies. Regular gym stats are great for knutt knight, elites are in demand for olymipcs ( Save up enough olympic points and you can nab a nice Figaro potion ). Here are the current guides on the prices for the
FINISHED training.
gym: http://angelshadow.webs.com/Stats.htm
elite: http://angelshadow.webs.com/Elites.htm
Here is a guide that explains the methods of training and the cheapest route for it. If you do your own elger quests, you may end up saving a bundle on training costs.
DO NOT try to claim your pet is 80+ if its defense is only 42. The "+" means that said pet is 80 in
If the pet is not well named, such as has numbers, lower cased first letter, multiple words, deduct the first 10-20+ in stat price to make up for it IF the pet you are trading for IS well named. Most people end up having difficulty trading poorly named pets.
Bulk crystal and Diamond sellers!
13 years, 7 months & 10 days ago

1st Aug 2011 19:43
If you sell bulk crystals and/or diamonds, post in comments.
By bulk I mean more than 5 crystals! I mean trade lots of ten, not your shop stock. If you post advertising your shop, I will likely delete it.
Don't bother with posting a price, they are prone to change. I'll contact you and we'll sort something out. :]
I just can't ever remember my suppliers because during school months (I am a college student) I can spend a few weeks away. >_
Ultimate pet dream!
13 years, 7 months & 10 days ago

1st Aug 2011 19:18
I recently saw someone super high stat pet ( less than 10 shy of 1000+ regular gym and a little shy of 500+ in elites ) .
I now have a totally impossible goal. Of seeing Obscurest with stats like that. 85+ - 1000+ , now THAT is seriously dreaming! XD