Just General Stuff
17 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
12th May 2007 15:00![](https://images.marapets.com/forums/report.png)
I did have a wishlist, and then realized something. Creating a wishlist could be a burden on my friends who want to send me something. So I have deleted it and decided, that if I want the item bad enough, I would work for it as a secondary goal. No offense to those who make WLs...it is just me...and yes it is useful for trading..but I am rarely there...and if I do trade, I will be specific in what I want to trade for...Wishing is a good thing...so my wish (not on the list) is that your Wish comes true ; )
I work extremely hard to restock my items and then spend more time rechecking to see if I can offer my items at the lowest prices available. That being said, if you think my prices are high, then perhaps you should begin to restock the item yourself. MM complaining aobut my prices will be read and deleted. Restockers work extremely hard getting items to restock their shops.
I get very disturbed at players whom I call Restock Raiders. They go the shops and buy all of your low priced items and reprice it in their shops for double or triple the price. Yes, I agree, it is not breaking any rules, but what these players fail to realize, that I must now spend double the amount of time restocking and not have enough time to play the game. But I will learn to live with these raiders...so go ahead buy out my items...it is no problem, because my profit margin will always be larger than yours, because I got my items cheaper...I also earn RPs for each of those items you bought, and can earn more, when you buy me out...the only one who really loses in this is the Raider...lol...so go ahead...buy your heart out...I love seeing my till fill to the brim
I do check my Sales History to see who is bulk buying and putting my items in their shops for double the price they paid. I do send 'Your Patronage is not appreciated letter'. PS. I will never buy any item from your shop, even if it is the cheapest. I would rather spend it in another player's shop and pay their higher price, because, they restocked their item from the Site Shop.
At the moment, I am declining all club invitations. If you send me one, I will respond with a Thank you, but I decline letter. At the moment, I am working on personal goals and will not have the time nor inclination to participate in a club and their activities. If you persist in sendng me MMs to join, I will only delete it. I will join a club when I am done with my goals.
I do respond to MMs but it is done according to my time table. Sending me MMs asking for items will be read and then deleted. Continue to persist, and I will report you for begging. Plain and simple.
Also here is a clue for the clueless beggars...Do not ask me to give you something, when your pet is wearing an expensive costume. Yes, you could have gotten it from the Portal, but then again, if you bought the costume, then you are more than capable of buying the item you are asking for...think about....
I will only give items to players that I feel need a helping hand and has and or is showing, that they are working hard at their goals.
I will not answer any personal questions you ask. I reserve the right to refuse and allow what I want known only to my friends.
These are the only things you need to know:
1. I am an adult.
2. I am a nice person, but I do have a mean/rude side that will show at times. I am not perfect, just honest with my opinions and thoughts.
3. If I want you to know more about me, I will tell you, but only when I feel you deserve to know more.
4. Everyone is different and has different talents and quirks, that is what makes us individuals. I respect that.
5. I try my very best not to judge players, but sometimes it will happen, but if I have formed a bad opinion of a player, and learn otherwise, I am honest enough to offer an apology and will admit, I made a mistake. Again, I am only an imperfect human.
I will converse with you, if you are relatively mature and I find that you a responsible player.
Please do not try any tricks with me, as I will verify everything you say and I do save my MaraMails on my personal disk, in case staff needs to check it.
Conversations I have with Maramailers are private. I do not tell others what is said between me and another player...your privacy is assured, but I will allow Staff to read and investigate my MaraMails if need so.