Dear Pets
14 years, 6 months & 11 days ago

30th Aug 2010 13:38
1. Sarcasm, and stuff. Obviously boredom too.
2. And just some thoughts thrown in the mix. And I needed a way to say the Idgy thing. What thing? Look lower. I just felt really weird when I realized that was what I was trying to do.
0. Yet again, this post isn't meant as an insult to any player, person, pet, item, existant, non-existant, stuff, being, insect, waterfall or zoo. Or anything/anyone else. If anyone doesn't feel comfortable with this entry let me know and it will be deleted immediatly. Thank you.
My sweet pets. Virtual, of course, may my real ones rest in peace. My sweet pets, this is a letter to all of you. I hope you all realize that I love you for the insane non-l.e.s you are. No matter how simple or boring or worthless today's economy on Mara might think you are. I know it hurts you all, but yes, to most others you are seen as "worthless" or "not valuable enough" instead of great virtual pets. You other non-l.e.s, this goes for you too. Or 'low statted' ones, I love you just the same (seriously, I snort at people going, "Low statted? Ewww"

I wonder what happened to the respect for any pet. Sure, l.e.s are 'LIEK TOTALEH AWESOME' but, dude, they're virtual pets. People should just be thankful already that they won't get allergic or have to start a flee circus or clean up your cages/stalls/bowls or whatever other responsibility comes with owning a real life pet. And amazed at the fact that you are all really big, even if virtually small. I own a 6 metre fish! Beat that!
So, my sweet pets, even if I change your appearance every so often, know that I love you for just being there. Know that I will never hang a price tag on any of you, because to me you're all priceless. Know that I won't judge you because of your low stats or simple looks or availability. Know that I will keep trying to chop Idgy's head off, no matter how perverted that sounds. Know that Krateor still looked best as an Equilor in Prison outfit, and that the Snow Daisy look just really doesn't do the trick for him. And that I'm still excited cause "WHOOT, MUSICAL FELIZ!" (really, how long was that ago, Quanane? You were actually seen as cool back then).
You might have all become a currency to some people here, but to me, you're still all one of my favorite wastes of time.
Although let's face it, I'm like an old person listening to lp's or 8-tracks when there's mp3's and iPods, only with pets on Mara and I'm not actually old. Well Mara-wise I might be old. And all that might not really make any sense to everyone, but it does to me.
Le big sigh. Oh well. Idgy, let's give your head another shot? We all know you're just secretely in love with the Decapitating Fairy.