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  1. Simerian Explorer Quest Test
    5th Nov 2022 06:25
    2 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
  2. Carpenter Quests!
    28th Dec 2020 06:15
    4 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
  3. Leppy Quest Test
    17th Jul 2020 05:22
    4 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
  4. Simerian Excavator Quest Test
    7th Jul 2020 06:39
    4 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
  5. Elger Quest Test
    30th Jun 2020 11:27
    4 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
Simerian Explorer Quest Test
2 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
5th Nov 2022 06:25

Testing 2 mil MP

The purpose of this test is to see how profitable the Simerian Explorer test can be starting with 2 mil MP

I have already completed 3020 quests.

After spending the 2 mil MP on this quest I went from 3020 completed quests to 3416. I was able to complete 396 quests.

This makes each quest cost an average of 5050 MP

Of those 396 quests 17 yielded Runes for an average of 23.29 quests per rune.

Based on the current shop search price per rune I expect to make 8,502,369. Which will give me a total profit of 6,502,369.

I cannot speak to how long it will take these to sell as I have never looked into that before. If I remember I will keep an eye on my sales and give a rough estimate.

Carpenter Quests!
4 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
28th Dec 2020 06:15

So, it has been a few months since I have been able to do one of's quest test is Carpenter!

I used 1 mil MP

I started with 86 quests completed and ended with 191.

Of the 105 quests completed, I received 22 blocks, 3 stamps, 2 trading cards, and he will fix a toy my pet breaks once. I am not sure if those can stack up, to be honest...

Anyway, the current rate for the 22 blocks if sold would yeild me 6,363,818 mp! That is an AMAZING return. However, I am not sure how long it will take these to sell, nor how much they will actually sell for.

I will adjust my prices throughout the week and will update this post with sales and actual amounts.

I will say, this quest averages out to 9,500 ish per quest. I am not sure if that is the norm or if toy prices are inflated because of the Santa Claus New Year Raffle that is also going on right now. So, if you attempt this take into account anything that may be inflating the prices on the things he asks for.

Keep checking back for updates!


It is now Wednesday, 2 days after starting this process and I have sold 4 blocks for a total of 1,113,389 MP. This is now a profit of 113,389 and there are still 18 more blocks to sell. I will give it until Friday to see what the total profit is in a week for this quest....but things are looking promising!

Monday 01/04

OK, so I should probably never promise to make updates at certain times, because I am easily distracted....anyway. I didnt update any prices in my shop so I only sold one more at 198,827. Still a profit! I just updated my prices and will check again the next time I update to see what happens and that will be my last update to this post.

I sold one more for 175,254K! This is a profit of 487,470 so far. There are still several that need to sell. This quest is a slower one to get a return, but you will get one!

Leppy Quest Test
4 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
17th Jul 2020 05:22

Next quest test is....LEPRECHAUN!

I am going to use 1 mil MP on only Leppy quests. I will also have 0 RP to start to get a good read on how many I will gain.

Now, I will not actually be selling these RP because I need to buy the fishing treasure map....BUT, I will still let you all know how many I get, and if I were to sell them at a rate of 1:9 (I figure that is a good average number) I can give you a rough estimate of profit, if any.

I am starting today 07/17 with 1 mil MP, 0 RP and 1995 completed quests so far...stay tuned for the results!

UPDATE! 07/17/2020

Already spent the 1 mil MP!

I received 3 times the trading card and the 7500 RP
I received 1 time the 15,000 RP

I went from 1995 completed quests to 2189 completed quests and a total RP gain of 243,227

Now, if I sold all of this RP with a ratio of 1:9 I would make 2,189,043 MP, which is a profit if 1,189,043

This quest is even more profitable than elger! Now, I will do this test again and actually sell the RP once I have the fishing map completed, that way I can tell you how quickly I actually make the expected profit amount.

Simerian Excavator Quest Test
4 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
7th Jul 2020 06:39

The purpose of this blog is to see how many quests one can do on 2 mil MP and how many Slates they can sell within 5 days after spending the full 2 mil. This test is to see if the quest can truly be profitable. I will not let any quest time out regardless of cost. I will also not use any items from my stash, but will purchase every item from either a user shop or the regular shop.

I will also, just for fun, see how many RP's one earns as well...I will start with 0 on hand.

I am starting this on 07/07 and will provide my first update each evening.

I currently have 3035 completed quests

Stay tuned for the first update to come later today!


I have gone up to 3136 total quests.

I have a shop till balance of 113,071 with 51 slates still available. I have spent my MP down from 2 mil to 1,393,917. I hope to have the rest done today!

Slates for sure sell slower than crystals. But, I am confident it will be a profitable quest nontheless.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Full 2 mil has been spent. I went from 0 RP to 2374...and from 3035 completed quests to 3240 completed quests.

I have a total of 107 Slates set to sell. If they all sold for their current price I would make 4,264,560 less the 2 mil I spent would be 2,264,560 in profit. We shall wait and see what the actual number ends up being between now and Tuesday the 14th!

07/09 Update:

I currently have 993,493 in my shop til with 82 left to sell! I have just updated my shop prices so we shall see what happens today!

Update July 10th

Current shop till balance is 1,293,356

I still have 75 left to sell!

I will let this sit for the weekend, and see what I have on Monday for my final results. Then I will move on to my next test!

Alright, it is Monday, my shop till balance is 13,64,518. I still have 73 left. I am going to remove them now, though so I can move on to the next test. This is a profitable quest, it just TAKES TIME for the items to sell. Elger is MUCH faster at returning your investment. Stay tuned for the next test!

Elger Quest Test
4 years, 8 months & 25 days ago
30th Jun 2020 11:27

Starting 07/01/2020 with Elger:

Allotting 2 mil MP to nothing but Elger Quests. I do have the Double Crystals box, but I am ONLY putting one crystal from each quest in my shop. The other will go in my attic for training.

I am starting with 9710 quests completed.

I will purchase every item asked for, no matter the cost. We shall see how many quests I finish with by the end of this test...and how much MP I make selling the Crystals in my shop. Again, I will only sell one of the 2 I get from each completed quest.

The purpose of this test is to see how many quests one can complete on 2 mil MP and how much they can earn from selling the quest items they receive. This is only a test, and does not indicate any actual outcome from anyone else that may attempt the same thing, but is intended as a guideline for potential profit....

Stay tuned for the results! I will give it until Friday to see how much I make from my Crystal sales and update the results here.

07/01 Update:

Since Mara will be having maintenance I am pausing for the day. I have currently spent from the 2 mil MP down to 1.355 MP.

I have gone from 9710 completed quests to 9879.

My current Shop Till balance is 1,144,699.

I still have 63 more crystals in stock as of 11:49 Mara time.

Once the maintenance is over I will continue!

07/02 Update:

All 2 mil has been used!

I have started this test with 9710 quests completed, now I have 10,029 for a total of 319 quests.

I received the bonus of 25k MP 3 times. This left me with 316 Crystals to go in my shop.

Currently my shop till has 1,585,983 MP in it.

There are still 170 crystals left to sell.

I will see what happens between now and tomorrow evening!

07/03 Update:

Current Shop till balance is 2,835,388

There are still 48 items to sell.

Now, I was only going to give it until today, but because there was a delay with the maintenance I am going to give it until tomorrow morning.

I will give my final update then!

So, it is now 07/06 and I have sold all but 17! My total shop till ballance is 3,147,187

This is a total profit so far of 1,147,187 plus the 75k from the quests that gave me the stamp. Again, this is only selling ONE of the 3 I received. If you have the double crystal gift box and you dont keep the second one your profit would be 4,147,187

Not to bad for a few hours of questing.

  1. Simerian Explorer Quest Test
    5th Nov 2022 06:25
    2 years, 4 months & 21 days ago
  2. Carpenter Quests!
    28th Dec 2020 06:15
    4 years, 2 months & 28 days ago
  3. Leppy Quest Test
    17th Jul 2020 05:22
    4 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
  4. Simerian Excavator Quest Test
    7th Jul 2020 06:39
    4 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
  5. Elger Quest Test
    30th Jun 2020 11:27
    4 years, 8 months & 25 days ago