A warm weather front has brought cloud and
Drizzle to Marada. Whenever this
Weather Event occurs, the following happens...
All Breeze, Plant, Sad, Safari, Sewers and Scout coloured pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University
Whenever there is Drizzle in Marada, the retired Harmony Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop
It will automatically retire again when the weather changes
This weather has turned the Candyland Sugar Stack prizes into Gummy Sugar Cubes
During this weather event you have double the chance of winning a bonus prize and they are Gummy Sugar Cubes instead of the usual prize list
You are guaranteed to win a Bonus Prize when you send your third score of the day in our Arcade Games
This will work for any game that currently has Bonus Prizes that you can usually win at random
Completing a level on any Mission during this drizzle and you'll win a Bad Luck Spell
The Drizzle has made the ground a lot softer and easier to dig. Visit Archeology and you are guaranteed to win either a Key or Dukka Coin
Demand for Magazines and Newspapers has gone through the roof! Both of these shops have doubled their prices until the weather changes
Drizzle and these new Bobble Heads were enough to distract the Slater Stalker from her usual stalking. She has cleared her Shop of its usual items and these are now on sale for
Stalker Points
The Drizzle is perfect for growing a Beanstalk! If you have a Magic Bean planted, your Beanstalk will grow twice as quick. Complete any mission level for the Beanstalk and you will Climb 2 Levels instead of one
Potatoes are growing so fast that the Guess the Weight competition resets every hour instead of every 3 hours
It is also great for Farming quests and the chances of winning a Ball of Yarn have doubled and Gardening is twice as fast as normal
Once per unique day on Marapets, if you purchase a Three Hundred Dukka Coin from the Account Upgrades Shop you will get 2 for 1
This benefit resets at midnight each day for the duration of the Drizzle Weather Event
The Trash Heap in the City Sewers doesn't smell as bad so you can spend more time here! Each visit will win a guaranteed item from the Prize List
The 'Work from Home' Experience is only avaliable during a Drizzle weather event. Can you find it?
The Costumes Boutique has the Breeze Costume on sale
There are currently 20 pets can wear the
Breeze Costume
The Breeze Costume automatically stocks here whenever there is a
Drizzle weather event and stays on sale until the weather changes. If another Account Upgrades Costume was due to stock here on a specific day during this weather event, it will stock instead for that day only and return to the
Breeze Costume the following day.
As the
Weather Forecast predicted, a
Sandstorm has hit Kamilah Desert. This is the first time we have experienced this
Weather Event but so far the following has happened:
Echlin pets will receive
Gym and
Elite Gym
Whenever there is a sandstorm, the retired
Desert Treasure Chest is back on sale at the
Account Upgrades Shop
It will automatically retire again when the weather changes
DOUBLE Mahjong Tiles and
Genie is giving out
Essences twice as often but if you don't win that you are
guaranteed a Magic Stat for your pet
Taxes from the
Sultan are
FREE during a sandstorm
Desert Spy has reduced items sold for
Spy Points in his shop by
25% OFF until the sandstorm clears
Talon quests are different during a standstorm. Instead of being random, you are guaranteed to receive a
Feather or a
Feather Plushie from him after your next 10
Talon quests
After you that you will win another
Feather after your next 15 Talon quests. This will keep increasing by 5 quests each time
Costumes Boutique has the
Genie Costume on sale during night hours and the
Jinn Costume on sale during day hours of a sandstorm
American Addow, Arinya, Azul, Crindol, Daisy, Flab, Ideus, Lati, Mordo, Paffuto, Rusty, Sybri, Willa, Yuni and Zoosh have been updated
Can you find the recipe for the Rainbow Swirl Lolly, Nefarious Candle and Pickled Brain?
Maraween has brought new witches to MaradaThe Grint, Kronk, Leido and Limax can now wear the Witch Costume that is on sale at Costumes Boutique todayYou can play the
Ghostly Graves for FREE once per day but the prizes during the Ghostly Graves event are different. Find the grave with Tremble the ghost Bolimo inside during
Maraween and you'll win a random ghost themed item from the
Prize List. Even if you pick the grave without Tremble in, you'll win MP!
A new Villain Account Upgrade Set has been released
This set is on sale until December 31st and has 8 new Villain themed items, Villain Costume, a Ball of Villain Yarn and either 6 or 7 pieces of the Labyrinth Treasure Map. There is a 1 in 3 chance you will receive 7 pieces of the map instead of the standard 6 pieces
The Labyrinth is a new temple-like feature that will be released in Eleka's Castle early November. As soon as it is released, you will be able to complete this Labyrinth Treasure Map
Villain pets will receive
FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym and
FREE LESSONS at the School and University until November 8th
The Adorab, Antagonist, Anteater, Antennae, Anthem, Antifreeze, Antique, Antivirus, Carbonated, Damaged, Demi, Fedora, Fly, Jean and Sewage can now wear the
Ball of Villain Yarn